New Moon on my Birthday: I feel a very powerful energy

\I’m heading out to the firepit for new moon ceremony. When it comes to setting goals or planning ahead for the future, there is no better time to get started than at the new moon.  My intention is simply to attract honest, like minded friends who I can do fun and meaningful projects with.  It’s already begun.  More appear every day.  I am just out of my second Saturn return, which is when many people from 20-30 years previous begin to reappear in your life.  So tonight’s ritual will have more to do with gratitude, since I’m already in the flow.  First I’ll dig up the crystals I buried last weekend and rinse them in rainwater. It’s been a most magical day. I woke up just happy to have the day alone to myself to work on the magazine, yet it’s been one fun detour after another. I went to lunch with an old friend and it was cool when he said grace automatically.  He spoke of being a prayer warrior.  I can dig it.  When I say prayers for my clients and advertisers each day, I include not only everyone on the healing bench, but everyone I know or don’t know around me in the city, the state, the country, the planet.  I hear a siren and say a prayer for the first responders, the patient the family, the medical personnel. It’s nice to have a friend with a similar daily practice. Ah, I can work tomorrow.

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