Sunday evening wind down

At 5:00pm it’s not quite sundown as I finish my yoga on the new east patio.  It’s really active under the oak canopy on the lot to the east of me, squirrels chasing each other, birds flitting here and there, in and out of the lawn sprinkler and bird bath, onto the oak branches to dry and preen. My YinYang lies fatly beneath, happy to be an observer. The hooty owl is Hoot WHO who who’ing in the west woods.  My attention is drawn to the mulberry tree, where two blue jays have set up discourse.  I sneak around the corner and see they are competing with 2 bold squirrels for the ripest berries.  The squirrels ignore them.  A long black snake slithers past, they must live under the shed for warmth.  The colder it is, the slower they move.  They are our friends.  I’ve only twice seen baby rattlers here and that was 30 years ago.  I like living in harmony with the critters I am honored to share this space with.  One big happy family.


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