I just gave someone the tools to be very dangerous or very helpful

An insight came during meditation this morning: I either just gave someone the tools to help carve a new path to wholeness, or to be very dangerous in this world.  The tools were my gift.  I cannot be attached to what happens to my gift after giving it. What I CAN do is take time to consider before giving friends “secrets” and methods for work they do not yet understand.  Until they have a basic understanding, the words they hear do not convey the meaning of the words I say.  If I am under illusion at the time or in my ego, my vanity lets me fill in the blanks and stay in the illusion that we are on the same page. That we both will use use our super powers for good.  Hope springs eternal. I must take responsibility for those in whom I awaken the kundalini shakti, if my ego allows me to do it simply because they asked. Is it my place to judge whether they are ready for the implications? Or is it my place to simply give what is asked if I am a vibrational match to a child of God who walks to my door and asks for something I’m capable of giving?

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