Chemistry means you’ve got karma to work out with that person

aura coupleA friend is getting frustrated that she’s unable to express herself as freely as she’d like. She’s had a rocky couple of years with her husband but now that he’s got a job that has him home only two days a month, they get along much better. She’s renewed her interest in several projects and the kids and it’s starting to be one big happy family at home. She still feels in love with her husband but she likes the idea of him being elsewhere. She made a post on Facebook about how content she was and he took it as a personal insult. So now she can’t even share what she wants to share about what she’s doing and how she’s feeling. That’s a miserable way to live. The Universe is always working in our best interest. If there is someone we are not meant to be around, the Universe (via law of attraction) will keep them at arms’ length. We may feel enormous chemistry for someone as a friend or a lover and we may enjoy their company, but if we’re vibing in two different places – if our intentions are not the same although we may say they are the same – the proof is in the evidence before you. If that person is not standing before you and everything in your life is rolling along just fine without them, that’s a signal from the Universe. Sometimes we are in love with the idea of a friend or lover being the way we want them to be, yet the reality of who they are is quite different. We may be in love with the idea of the perfect partnership or the most loyal best friend, yet the partner doesn’t go along with our movie and rocks the boat. There always seems to be discord but the chemistry is so strong between you that you know you’re meant to be together and worth fighting for. Ouch. Chemistry means you’ve got karma to work out with that person and in that regard they are a soul mate. Chemistry seldom means this is my bff or romantic sexual partner for life.   If you’re meant to be with someone, you will find yourself right alongside them and they will be easy to get along with. Chemistry means you’ve got karmic lessons to work on and this person can assist you in doing that. Welcome the lesson while keeping both eyes open.

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