I counted out the steps at the Turkey Creek Sanctuary trails

turkeycreek_recreationAt Turkey Creek Sanctuary today, I stayed off the boardwalk and walked the Sand Pine Trail and then the Turkey Oak Trail, it’s one mile or 2220 steps that way. Then you can turn around and do it backwards for another mile, and add the boardwalk for another mile. Even at 10am with the sun rising high, it was under shade for most of the walk. The Turkey Oak Trail is more primitive, so watch your steps carefully, lots of roots and palmetto logs, high enough to stumble and trip on if you’re not paying attention. I really dig walking with one of my trekking poles. It does get caught in the spaces between the boards in the boardwalk though, plus the boards can be slippery when wet first thing in the morning. That’s why I prefer the trails. There were a half dozen people there this morning but everyone quiet so that was cool. I carried 17 lbs of weight in my backpack to start getting used to it.

RELATED:  A Turkey Creek Sanctuary Excursion

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