I walked four miles easily because I believed it was two

walking nordic styleI woke up and wanted to walk right away, I love when that happens! I did 2 miles twice yesterday and 4 the day before. I wouldn’t have begun the walk if I’d have known it was 4 miles. Until I measured it later with my car, I thought it was 2. My own thoughts and beliefs would have limited me and prevented me from beginning, but my thought and expectation that it was just 2 miles allowed me to do it with ease. As always, what I expected and believed to be true came to pass. Cool how that works, huh?

10 benefits of Nordic Walking (walking with walking poles)
Nordic Walking is an outdoors exercise that consists in walking with walking sticks. It is specially beneficial (as aerobic exercise) to strengthen legs, hips, thighs, arms and buttocks. Results can be obtained with only 3 hours of Nordic Walking a week