When you really know your connection to Source, the influence of others is miniscule

It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about the flu, the ebola virus, or the economy.

There are 6 billion people on this planet.  If you pull out of their influence, what you think is what you live.  When you really know your connection to Source, the influence of others is miniscule.  Once you have withdrawn your attention from it, you don’t cross paths with it anymore.  Decide who you really are!  Am I source energy, or one who allows others to deprive them of source energy?  Imagine a village of people limping around.  You are bright and shiny and new and strong.  You wonder why they are limping, and you start limping.  When you are excited about your life, you are not noticing they are limping, and you stay strong, and another stops limping. Most people let their vibration be about what they are observing.  But ultimately, how you feel and how you want to feel dictates what you see.  I can’t notice what’s going on here, or in time, I will start limping, too.   Abraham-Hicks

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