Truth or Sabatoge

We all seek to express our truth. We all must express our truth. There are two ways to express your truth:  directly or indirectly. If you do not express your truth directly, it will come out in odd, aberrant, and damaging ways. Self-sabotage or sabotage of others occurs when you don’t speak your truth directly. Honest expression of truth ends sabotage.  When you don’t tell the truth up front, your truth comes out in weird ways that make more trouble for everyone.   We all find the energy to do what we choose. We find no energy to do the things we do not want to do. If we are forced to do things we do not want to do, we will find a way not to do them. Will you express your preference honestly, or will you create veiled situations to get your point across?  You don’t have to get sick to get out of work,  have an affair to get out of a marriage. You can simply, clearly, directly express that you do not wish to do this. You might ruffle some feathers,  yet there is a hidden value in direct communication.  Truth has ways of getting to solutions that sabotage does not.  Alan Cohen