Domino is aggravated by what his mate posts on Facebook

 Stick my head in the sand like an ostrich?

Stick my head in the sand like an ostrich?

Domino complained last night that his mate is flirty on Facebook and it infuriates him to see it.  I suggested he turn off the notifications for her posts.  “Then how do I know what she’s doing?” he asked.  Why do you want to know what she’s doing if it infuriates you? When you see it, does it make you insecure about your relationship with her? If you did not see it, would you be insecure about your relationship with her based solely upon how she acts and reacts with you?  Do you feel the time she spends on Facebook is time she should spend with you?  Facebook is another kind of relaxation.  It appears she spends her time on the things that make her happy and Domino resents that some of those things do not include him. That’s a slippery slope. Don’t depend too much on anyone in this world, because even your shadow leaves you when you’re in darkness.  “So the answer is to stick my head in the sand like an ostrich and not even be aware of it?” The answer is to keep your attention always focused on something that pleases you and, when you encounter something that does not please you, pivot your attention immediately to something that does please you.

When you feel you’re being broken, take care what comfort you attract