Backing myself into a corner, getting myself unstuck

Yesterday I saw a rainbow twice, once at 7:45am in Melbourne and again at 8:00am in  Palm Bay.  It was an auspicious beginning to a very good day.   On the way home from Melbourne, I stopped at Big Lots to see if they had any coffeemakers, since mine had stopped working.  At 8:00am, they weren’t to be open for another hour, so I figured I’d check when I went to the post office later.  Yesterday’s main job was to finish billing for the November Horizons Magazine, and I finished just in time for it to be picked up by the mailchick.  Yay, no trip to the post office needed!  Then I got a call from one of the stores that carry the magazine, telling me their envelope had arrived empty and could I please send her magazines right away since her customers love it.  Of course!  I readied the mailing and mused that I thought I’d get one day I didn’t have to drive to the post office, but it’s no big deal as it’s just 3 miles from me.  At the post office, I ran into a friend of mine, who said he’d just been thinking of me.  We hadn’t seen each other in 20 years.  We both had planned on going to the post office earlier, then decided not to, then showed up at the same time.  Synchronicity! We chatted while we waited in line, then went for coffee so I could give him a reading.  I like it when friends have good things on the way to them and I can let them know to expect it.   The coffeemaker flashed in my head, to try Goodwill.  Sure enough, I found a Mr. Coffee Programmable Coffeemaker for $4.99 and a digital alarm clock for $1.99.  Bounty! I love recycling still-good old stuff!

I’ve been giving my sidekick a ride to and from work for his new job, so it feels like a happy adventure, like taking Little Timmy to school this week. I wanted to pack him a lunch to bring, but he was having none of that.  Before I picked him up yesterday,  I made him a fat sandwich and brought it along with a granola bar so he could nibble on the way home.  He dug that.  I love being all domesticated and stuff on occasion, in short spurts.  I enjoy it when it comes over me, and relieved when it leaves.

Having said that, I rearranged the office this morning, making more room for me to roll from workspace to workspace.  I began vacuuming and moving furniture to vacuum under it, getting in all the corners and underneath everything.  At one point, I turned around to find I’d twisted the vacuum cleaner cord up on itself and had myself stuck in a corner.  I mused at the metaphor: I had gotten myself stuck in a corner of sorts lately, and I could retrace the steps I used to get there.  Just like in moving the furniture to vacuum underneath it and piling it all willynilly behind me, I was surprised when I turned around and saw what I’d done.

I could laugh at finding myself (with the perception of) being stuck in something over which I had complete control of my perception.   So, just as I did to get out of the corner, moving things step by small step and untangling as I went, I was able to untangle my thoughts and realized that I was not as stuck as I thought I was.  I was in control of my thoughts, and it was my choice to observe when every thought arises, whether to continue that line of thought or release it and move on to a better feeling thought.

Since the Universe delivers us more of what we are thinking about and focusing on (whether it’s “I love my family so much” or “I feel alone and misunderstood” or “I can never seem to get ahead, when money comes it does not stay long” or “I always seem to have what I need when I need it.  I have never failed to attract money when I needed it, so I know I can do it anytime I put my mind to it, when I remember I can attract it by thinking of how grateful I am to get it when it comes and how it can come out of nowhere” or “I can’t wait for my vacation, this trip will be a blast, what to bring, what to wear, what to do, who to bring?”  Since the Universe delivers us more of what we are thinking about and focusing on, then you know what you have been predominantly thinking about, because it is showing up as your life.  It shows up in who you are around, and what the conditions of life are for you.

If you are living a life that is less than what you want, the remedy is simply to turn your attention to those things that please you, train yourself to find pleasure in the small things around you.  Daydream big and research anything that interests you.  If the money didn’t matter, what would you do and who would be there doing it with you?  These are the thoughts to think that will help attract opportunities and ideas to you.  Know that inspiration can show up in the most unlikely of people, perhaps even someone you don’t care for.  They may not even know they hold the magic key but we know who they are and what their purpose is.  To be a bridge to connect us to more of our soul group so we can begin to do the work we came here to do.

I more untangled and free I can keep myself, the more attractive opportunities come my way.  To the extent that I retain emotional baggage, to that extent do I have to swim with a rock around my neck.  Without the entanglements and mundane dramas, I bob to the surface like the cork I am.    Ahhhhh!