Facebook friends, if you don’t care about my work, please unfriend me now

I’ve got almost 4,000 friends on Facebook.  I am asking you now, if you do not care about the work I do*, please do us both a favor and unfriend me now.  Really.   Of the 4,000, 647 are on a list called “People I actually know.”  These include not just real life friends, but also clients, advertisers, publicists and other media contacts I’ve worked with in the 19 years I’ve published Horizons Magazine.  Some of them I only know as far as their name on the periodic emails we exchange, or a voice on the phone twice a year.  But I still feel a personal connection to them, so they are on the list.  A lot of people want to friend me on Facebook simply because I publish a magazine.  They see me as potentially someone to promote them.  They don’t necessarily care about me or my posts, or my work; they see me as another media contact while they are doing their shotgun spam approach to marketing.  So if you’re one of those, or if your main focus is politics or news reports or looking for a girlfriend, please unfriend me now.  Thank you.  And if you are interested in what I do, then you must be part of my cluster.  Abraham-Hicks says, “You come forth in clusters with intentions to enhance one another’s experience; and when you meet up with your cluster, it’s really fun.”  I’m all about the fun.  Andrea

*From the Horizons Magazine Mission Statement: Our purpose is to provide a forum to connect those who seek purpose in life. To use our combined power to encourage each other in our personal visions. To remind you that you are far more powerful than you can imagine.  To establish in the minds of our readers the reality of the mind / body connection and the fact that we participate in creation of the reality we experience. We do this by our intentions, beliefs and expectations, by every thought we think and every word we speak.  To promote the reality that we survive in consciousness after the change called death. To comprehend this, we promote the practice of daily separation of consciousness from the body via meditation.

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