Walking off the indigestion

Ugh, I ate something too heavy last night and now, 12 hours later, it’s reaching that point in the digestive process that I feel icky and bloated and blocked.  I know it will move through my system in another few hours.  In the meantime, it’s like labor and feels better if I’m stretching and walking it off.  No more Tyson buffalo bites for me!  I love these little reminders my body gives me when I begin to overdo.  And frankly, it’s not like I didn’t read the ingredient list before I bought them… or ate half a bag of them…   By the time I reached the 16th hour mark it was over with.  I’m glad for these gentle reminders that don’t have me purging to feel better.  Just keep the body in motion and let it heal itself.

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How long from the time you eat food until you excrete it?