My body reboots itself and I get a fresh start — again!

For the most part, I’m real healthy eater.  I eat lots of salads, fresh greens and veggies and  I make my own soups with fresh and organic vegs.  I cook Asian style stirfrys and use a lot of freshly ground spices.  I’ve got a website at Goddess Grub, Luscious Lowfat Meals for the Goddess on the Go with many of my recipes and my story of eating myself back after a health scare in 2004.  I also eat chicken and turkey on a regular basis now, as well as potatoes. When I eat the wrong things now, my body lets me know and reboots itself, giving me a reminder to get back on track.   That’s what happened Monday morning, after a month of slowly adding a bag of chips here, a three Musketeers bar there, increasingly more pasta and, oh yes, take out Chinese food.   I should know better.

It’s easy to trick myself, because I let it sneak up on me when I begin to eat things like that.   It’s like it begins to accumulate and then out of the blue my body says “Enough!” and won’t process anymore.  That’s what it did Monday morning.

I’d last eaten about 9:00pm Sunday night, so my stomach was empty when I began to be sick about 6:00am.  It was a 10 hour journey of up every 15 minutes, losing bile until 4:00pm.  When this happens, I keep a log of when I’m up and down so I know for the future what to expect.  I used to get very anxious when I’d get nauseous and sick, but that was because I didn’t know what was happening.  Knowledge is power.   Now I know right away what causes it and how long I can expect the purging spell to last.   I also know it doesn’t matter if I take anything in between my 15 minute spells or not, be it water, ginger ale or antacid.  If I do, I’m nauseous for those 15 minutes.  If I don’t, I can nap those 15 minutes.   I opt to nap instead.

All day Monday, my body was also going through soaking sweats and chills, which I know now is just part of the process.  When the being sick subsided, I began to rehydrate, drinking sips of water every few minutes.  I had a bottle of Gatorade in my room and even though I dislike it, I knew drinking the water would rehydrate my body, but I needed the electrolytes of the Gatorade to wake up my brain.

By 7:00pm I was awake enough and had energy enough to take a shower.   A good friend and neighbor was kind enough to bring me some ginger ale.  I  began drinking that, diluted with water, every few minutes until I felt energetic enough to walk into the living room.  I never knew what a huge house I had, this huge 1919 square feet!  I made some hot vegetable boullion and flopped into the big puffy chair to drink it before I fell asleep.  It felt good to sit up and the organic boullion further revitalized my brain and body.

By morning I was back to normal, as I knew I would be.  I was hungry but knew not to eat too quickly.  I had some more vegetable boullion and some applesauce.  I came into the office and worked from 9:00am until almost 9:00pm and it felt good to work.  I soft scrambled some Eggbeaters for dinner, then after 2 bites I opened a can of chicken noodle soup and had that instead.

It’s a process but I’m learning.  At least now when I eat the wrong thing, I don’t eat that much of it and I don’t eat more often than every 6-7 hours.  That makes for a much shorter down time.  Yay to progress and me smartening up!


RELATED:  Getting to know how my body works
Tummy bug; I can control my perception

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