The Acupuncture Meridian Organ Clock

Meridian_Clock2So you find yourself waking up at the same time after you’ve gone to bed each night?  What time is that?  Acupuncturists use the acupuncture meridian organ clock to diagnose and to determine the optimal time for treating specific imbalances.  Waking up automatically at the same time could mean your body needs to bring itself into balance in that area.  This chart illustrates the flow of chi (qi or life-force energy) through the meridians during the 24 hours of the day.

3-5am:        Lung
5-7am:        Large Intestine
7-9am:        Stomach
9-11am:      Spleen
11am-1pm: Heart
1-3pm:       Small Intestine
3-5pm:       Urinary Bladder
5-7pm:       Kidney
7-9pm:       Pericardium
9-11pm:     Triple Burner
11pm-1am: Gallbladder
1-3am:        Liver                       
Original article and related links here

Commentary on The Meridian Organ Clock by Dr. Thomas Kerr
The Chinese Acupuncture “Meridian Clock” is an example of a 24-hour cycle which portrays the body’s complete functions as well as its relationship with diet. There are 12 meridians, each taking the lead for two hours during the 24-hour period. Each of the 12 meridians has a dual flow, a coming and a going, marking 24 cycles per day.

The clock delineates which meridian system is activated and dominant at a specific time. Since these cycles happen automatically, we do not have to be preoccupied with them. However, if we know of these cycles, then we can make better decisions when it is generally best to eat, exercise and sleep.

5-7 a.m. — Large Intestine — Drinking water triggers bowel evacuation making room for the new day’s nutritional intake. Removes toxins from the night’s cleansing.

7-9 a.m. — Stomach — Stomach energies are the highest so eat the most important meal of the day here to optimize digestion/assimilation.

9-11 a.m. — Pancreas — The stomach passes its contents on. Enzymes from the pancreas continue the digestive process. Carbohydrate energy made available.

11 a.m.-1 p.m. — Heart — Food materials enter the blood stream. The heart pumps nutrients throughout the system and takes its lipid requirements.

1-3 p.m. — Small Intestine — Foods requiring longer digestion times (proteins) complete their digestion/assimilation.

3-5 p.m. — Bladder — Metabolic wastes from morning’s nutrition intake clear, making room for the kidney’s filtration to come.

5-7 p.m. — Kidney — Filters blood (decides what to keep, what to throw away), maintains proper chemical balance of blood based on nutritional intake of day. Blood to deliver useable nutrients to all tissues.

7-9 p.m. — Circulation — Nutrients are carried to groups of cells (capillaries) and to each individual cell (lymphatics.)

9-11 p.m. — Triple Heater — The endocrine system adjusts the homeostasis of the body based on electrolyte and enzyme replenishment.

11 p.m.- 1 a.m. — Gall Bladder — Initial cleansing of all tissues, processes cholesterol, enhances brain function.

1-3 a.m. — Liver — Cleansing of blood. Processing of wastes.

3-5 a.m. — Lung — Respiration. Oxygenation. Expulsion of waste gasses.

By Dr. Thomas Kerr, original article here.

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