Daily Archives: October 25, 2014

My home is pest free, despite Benny’s best efforts

Benny in tree crouching cropped72Today I found a small tick on Benny, thankfully it was on the top of his fur. That was enough to send me into a frenzy washing all the fabric in the house. Yes, I just did it last week after my cold, but we’re only talking maybe 20 towels, sheets, blankets and pillow cases. I don’t have fabric furniture and the floors are vinyl tile.  I flea comb Benny when he comes in from woods walking. I put Frontline Plus on the kitties every 3 weeks during warm weather and monthly when it’s cool.  I keep food grade diatomacous earth swept into the corners and baseboards in the summertime.  I seldom have fleas or insects of any kind.   For 30 years I was using local Vegas pest control services, now I do it myself using Ortho’s Home Defense Max, which is safe for the cats.  That’s why I fly immediately into action when I see a flea or a tick.  We are a pest free zone and I intend to keep it that way.  Even when Benny doesn’t do his part.