Daily Archives: September 20, 2014

Empaths: A turning point is when you stop allowing sociopaths into your life

An excellent article here –> The Dance – The Sociopath and The Empath.  A turning point in our own evolution is when we choose to stop allowing them into our life. I’ve only had the honor of attracting one such troubled individual and gained much wisdom from it. The good news – when you’re being played, you learn the game. When they tell you right away you’re the soul mate they’ve always sought, it’s time to dash. Or at least to step back, reflect and learn the back story.  It may take years. That’s ok.  You’ve got all the time in the world, and not a moment to lose.

RELATED: How to spot a Sociopath
They didn’t know their partner had a secret life
How to spot a sociopath – 10 red flags
Psychopaths: 30 Red Flags
Beware the narcissistic sociopath disguised as your “Soul Mate”

I may scan a friend’s rambling post but I won’t watch his rambling video

I’ve got a friend who I periodically wonder what he’s up to. He no longer makes written posts, they are all on Youtube. In the written word, I can scan over what’s not relevant to me and catch up quickly. But in videos, he rants on and on about political discontent and I just don’t care to sit through that in the hopes of gleaning a gem. A shame, I may miss useful into because I judge the packaging. I usually judge his choice of focus also. This post says everything about me and very little about him, huh?

New Authors: How not to fall for an editing/publishing scam

Self publish? Get an agent? A friend has fallen for “an editor” offering to make her manuscript ready for publication. After a year, all she has is an outlay of dollars, an unfinished draft and the slow realization she didn’t win a contest at all, it was a marketing scheme to get her to pay for hours of “editing and consulting.” Please check everyone out. Not everyone is out to play off your narcissism and rip off your dreams.

General Guidelines & Tips on Avoiding Scams:  There are too many scams out there, so in addition to listing the ones we know about, here are some general guidelines and tips to keep in mind when searching for publishers, agents, artists, contests, editors, etc.:   Continue reading

I may not seem to socialize much in person but I socialize with friends all day long

Soul sister Connie Sutherland is putting in her fall garden of pumpkin, squash, tomatoes, basil, sweet potatoes, spearmint, peppermint, thyme, radishes, kale and spinach. I envy her time to do that! For ten years I’ve apologized to friends for not having time to play. I’ve come to realize I’ve created a career that morphed into a lifestyle that, to some, appears to have limited social contact. But that’s not true. I talk to friends all day long. The nature of my business is such that the authors, advertisers, publicists and readers of Horizons Magazine often become friends as we share many of the same interests.  Some I speak to or email or text with every month, some every few months, others only every few years.  I feel as close to some of them as I do my own in-real-life friends.  With rare exception, at least six hours of every day is spent talking, texting and emailing for business.  But since my “business” is a lifestyle of discussing mutual interests with friends, it’s a job I do not need a break or vacation from.  I wouldn’t want it to be any different. Not right now anyway.  Stay tuned.