Daily Archives: July 9, 2014

What it means when Mercury returns to 4 degrees Pisces on July 17

Only 10 more days until Mercury is back to the position it held before the retrograde began. Whatever got stalled for you before June 7 will reactivate on July 17 when Mercury returns to 4 degrees Pisces.  When Mercury goes retrograde in Pisces, there can be mental and emotional confusions, and psychic experiences.  Pisces’ challenge is sensitivity, being influenced by others, illusion and delusion.  There could be a mix-up of ideas, opinions and passions. People tend to become fanatical or erratic in their behavior. There is a tendency for procrastination and laziness. Stress takes its toll. Stability and privacy are needed for a trouble-free environment.  If you’ve got long ignored issues hanging over your head and hard decisions to come to, you’ll feel like you’re walking through quicksand with your mind in a pressure cooker. Look where you can lighten your load, since nothing relieves pressure like releasing past baggage.  Whatever got stalled for you before June 7 will reactivate on July 17 when Mercury returns to 4 degrees Pisces.   Only 10 more days!  Hang in there, baby!

RELATED:  Mercury Retrograde De-Mystified
What happens when Mercury goes direct again?
Mercury Retrograde thru the signs
Mercury Retrograde dates

Prince Harming: Coming clean about past lies will set you free

chains breaking freeI had a session with a friend who just learned everything her mate told had been fabricated. When she confronted him and asked why, she got more lies.   Been there –> done that!    It’s never too late to tell the truth. It takes courage, humility and connection to Source. Until you can own up to what you’ve done, you’re jeopardizing everything you have now. A conscious partner honors their mate by coming clean, no matter how icky and sticky the past was.  I watched a few episodes of Catfish, where Nev Schulman and Max investigate when someone thinks they’re online with a romantic partner who may not be who they say they are.  Occasionally, as with Kendra, the trickster agrees to meet and comes clean about why they did it.   Continue reading