Daily Archives: July 6, 2014

Relationship Saving Tip: Do not expect your partner to be everything

Just had an interesting reading on a universal topic. Your partner can love you even if they have stopped participating and responding as they used to. Do not expect them to be your best friend and your lover and your advisor and your cheerleader and your rescuer and your income and your entertainment. Do not think you have to text them with every move you make and every thought you have. Put that energy into cultivating your own interests. Rather than pouting that your partner doesn’t go to the gym, find a workout partner. If you’re the night owl and they go to bed at sunset, find someone to hoot and howl the night away. Let them love you in their own way. If you find that is not enough for you, there’s always time to make a new decision. Most importantly, don’t risk losing your best friend just because they’ve stopped being your lover.

Would you marry your married lover?

With past partners, she ended up having to row the boat on her own. She knows it will be different this time.

With past partners, she ended up having to row the boat on her own. She knows it will be different this time.

A friend is marrying the latest love of her life.  They’re having a commitment ceremony without the legal confines – the best of both worlds – since her latest is still married.  The heart connection is what matters, though, not the legal status.  She doesn’t care to legally share in his marital debt anyway. A piece of paper doesn’t keep someone with you; love does, and trust.  She doesn’t know his past history in honoring commitments, but knows it must be a vibrational match to her own.  The questions she is starting to wonder about now are: How did his past relationships end?  What is his relationship with his family, with his wife, his children, his parents, his brothers and sisters? What is his relationship with his employer? His past employers? With his friends?  If it’s a commitment ceremony, she’d like to know he has a history of doing what he says he’ll do.  Continue reading