Observing without emotion vs. Silly Me the things I think I have to worry about

It was an interesting day of observing emotions. During one discussion, first the feeling of being on the roller coaster, then observing the ride without emotion attached to it.  All within maybe 6-8 minutes.  It really puts it in perspective.  A galpal has a new book out and business savvy Domino is offering to market it for her to national networks. Several red flags went off as Domino is known for coming on like gangbusters, yet not following through. I didn’t want to dash my pal’s dreams and expectations, since I know the experience of anyone else does not have to be your experience. What you experience has to do with your own point of attraction, no matter what anyone else is attracting.  

But I felt resistance to her being involved business wise with this person, to the point of having anxiety about it.  I was not privy to any of the business details.  I pondered: was my resistance really my spidey sense guiding me to tell my pal to watch her back?  Or was my resistance merely me being attached to a particular outcome, which I anticipated not occurring and time being wasted? Or was my resistance simply jealousy or envy?  We talked it over.  I realize she has eyes wide open.  I realize she does not need to be protected. She knows everything happens for a reason, that she attracts whatever comes her way and has faith that her intuition will guide her, and that she’ll attract the right people in the process.  I left feeling all anxiety slip away, knowing that, either way, she’s in good hands.   My fears were unfounded.  I feared diminishing her excitement and enthusiastic hope by telling her my concerns.  Her faith, belief and expectation will carry her through, no matter what.  Silly me, to think I had to worry about that, best left to the Universe.

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