Monthly Archives: June 2014

Commanding the Elements, Summoning the Lemon Seeds

Commanding the Elements

Commanding the Elements

Ah, the joy of cooking while half asleep. I made pinto bean soup last night and this morning I reheated it to adjust the flavors.  I squeezed a fresh lemon, then scooped up the 8 seeds and tossed them right into three quarts of soup.  I reached in as quickly as I could reach a spoon, but they were nowhere to be found.  Treasure hunt for lunch!  I let the soup cool as I went back into the office. An hour later, I had a thought that I could call the lemon seeds to me. If I could ease myself into unity consciousness, I could communicate with them and understand when they respond to me. It was worth a try.  Continue reading

Show the world you walk your talk—and when you don’t, what went wrong.

Spiritual brother Wayne Wirs writes: “Personally, I don’t want to live my life as a hypocrite—or worse, die as one—so I strive for transparency in my blog. I don’t want to preach A while living B. If you consider yourself a spiritual student or authority, even if you have no interest in becoming a teacher, I strongly urge you to start a blog, or if you have one, to intersperse your “teaching posts” with personal posts. You’ll be amazed at how humbling and eye opening the experience can be. Become transparent. Show the world you walk your talk—and when you don’t, what went wrong. Show the world your flaws. The most powerful aspect about blogging about your personal life is that it throws your actions right back in your face. Personal blogging makes you very conscious of the difference between your theories… and your actions. Personal blogging forces you to live true. And to live true—isn’t that what a spiritual life is all about?”


Decide how you want to be seen, then become that

Decide how you want to be seen by those around you, then act as you would if you were who you wanted to be. That’s how you become it. Want to be seen as the better person who forgives and moves on? Then forgive and move on. Want to prove that grouch has no power over you? Stop giving them power over you. You’ll know when you’ve done that because you will stop talking about it and stop thinking about it.

Gotta go all the way, babe. Don’t stop short of success.

girl on swingWe drove west today looking for Three Forks Marsh Conservation Area, taking Malabar Road west until the pavement ended. I didn’t follow the dirt road since it was muddy from last night’s rain, and since I didn’t know where I was going. I asked galpal Mary Jo Woolley” Did I not go far enough?”  She replied, “Gotta go all the way babe. Once you go around the corner you’re in.” I should know that. Just like in life, you gotta go all the way, don’t stop yourself short.  We did, however, find McGriff Park south on DeGroodt and played on their swings and monkey bars and watched kids doing skateboard tricks in the skate park.