Yearly Archives: 2012

The day I left my parent’s home

I left home when I was 18, like lots of kids do.  I didn’t wait until after I graduated.  I didn’t even wait until the end of the day.  Rather I skipped school that morning and Kris Krehmeyer skipped also.  As soon as my mom left for work, Kris and I piled my clothes into his little chartreuse Karmann Ghia and we dropped them off at Terry N’s house and went back to school.  Terry’s mom had agreed to let me live with them while I finished up high school, and she’d gotten us jobs with her at Sears, in the catalog phone sales center. Continue reading

Why does one school of thought always endeavor to invalidate another?

On Facebook, I just saw a pic of a Bible with the caption “Sin is an imaginary disease to sell you a imaginary cure.”  Facebook friend Vanessa Wells wrote “Love the quote. Even A Course In Miracles says this is true. But why does one school of thought always endeavor to invalidate another school of thought, i.e., Humanism vs. Faith and Mysticism? Why do we insist on living in an “either-or” type of reality. What’s the drive behind our need to be “Right”, and therefore, logically, that means that you are “Wrong”. It’s has to be that sacred belief in scarcity, that there’s not enough world for everybody to be right. Crazy.”

Hereinafter “Ab Day” will be Core Strengthening Day instead

Side plank

I’d posted on Facebook a friend’s link to some cool ab exercises.  I got a great schooling and hereinafter Ab Day will be CORE STRENGTHENING day.  Jaymz Lockwood illuminated us:   “Ok just got back from the gym and I’m tired of hearing people ramble on with false information. Here is the truth about Abs, they are just glamor muscles that’s it. With or without exercising (Diet alone) get under 10% body fat and you will see your abs. The muscles you need to concentrate on and are 1000x more important are you’re core muscles (the Psoas and Iliacus muscles). Those are the muscles connected to your skeletal system and provide support for your lower back. Continue reading

Worst Valentine’s Day Ever

Go on a cruise, they said. It'll be fun, they said.

Go on a cruise, they said. It’ll be fun, they said.

True Valentine’s Day story.  I had a 3 day weekend one President’s Day in the early 80’s and decided to go on a cruise out of Miami to Nassau.  I didn’t even consider that it was also Valentine’s Day weekend.  The entire cruise was couples, with very few solo.  The Greek crew members all paid special attention to the single women and it was quite a fiasco, since I like hanging out alone.  It wasn’t a great experience and I learned I don’t care for cruises. I got seasick for the first time ever, after having been on small boats my whole life.  I don’t drink or gamble but wanted something different to do and cruises out of Miami, where I lived, were so cheap. The sleeping rooms were very small.  The food was good, it wasn’t heavy, the dining times staggered to accommodate so many people.  Walking on deck I was aware we were all bound to a small piece of plastic in a gigantic ocean miles deep. I couldn’t just jump in my car and drive back home if I didn’t like it. I learned cruises are not for me. The highlight of the weekend was when I went into Nassau and I saw my father and his wife on the cover of The Sunday Miami Herald when I’d not been prepared for the story. It was quite the memorable Valentine Day weekend. Here’s a pdf of the article I saw –> Hermits Face Disruptions in Big Cypress Hideaway.

Who conducts these surveys ranking psychic readers?

I have to shake my head every time someone tells me they went to a highly ranked psychic and got a disappointingly generic and unremarkable reading.  When asked where she got the name from, it turns out she saw an ad naming the person as “The Country’s No. x Psychic.”  When asked how she got her title, it was as a result of a survey given to several hundred subscribers to a newsletter.  Those eligible for nomination were advertisers in the newsletter and they created a contest for it. Continue reading

Be present with where you are

Be present with where you are. Where you are has its own dynamic quality. Stay with the truth of where you are. Trust the process even if you don’t understand it. We are called to initiation. We are always at choice. A component of initiation is that its something we can meet. We do have what it takes to journey and go forward.  If you find yourself here, you have been called to initiation.   Karen Malik

Mother Teresa knew what her path was

Mother Teresa

When someone asked Mother Teresa why she worked with a segment of society that was so sick and poor and hopeless, how could she hope to make a difference? She said whether it did any good or not was not her concern.   She just knew that it was her path to give care and comfort and offer hope, thus she had to try nonetheless.