Yearly Archives: 2012

I get eye strain and get to look like a movie star

Too funny… I came in the office to research eye strain and am kinda snow blinded by the monitor. I’ve got my big dark sunglasses on and look like a movie star. But please, no photos. I will find an opthmalogist first thing Tuesday morning and have it looked at. Today I will hang out in the dark and rest my eyes — here it tells me what to do.   This must be why I like red bulbs in my nightlights and why I wish they had red lit keyboards for night time use. Like the instrumental panel of a boat at night. “Blue light is short-wavelength visible light that is associated with more eye strain than longer wavelength hues, such as orange and red.”  I’d posted that on Facebook and Karen was helpful when she wrote: I had Uveitis last year.  It took 3 weeks to go away.  I had to put foil on all the windows.  I had cat vision in the dark.  But it went away. My lesson was not wanting to see what was right in my face.  Not saying that about you.  That was what I had to learn.


What happens when you eat gluten and your body cannot tolerate it?

A friend with Celiac’s disease cannot tolerate gluten and has become very visually impaired because of it.  I asked on Facebook:  “Several people tell me they no longer eat gluten — but I don’t know what happens when you eat gluten and cannot tolerate it.  If you eat a gluten-free diet, tell me the answer ok?”  I don’t have a gluten intolerance but was so surprised by the answers that I wanted to share it here with you.  Basically, if you feel low energy and sickish with tummy issues, try eating no gluten for 30 days and see if it doesn’t clear right up.  Continue reading

No over the counter antacids for me, here’s why

I’ve learned if I’m getting indigestion or heartburn on a regular basis, that doesn’t mean stock up on the Tums and Prilosec.   Antacids weaken stomach acids for about an hour, which relieves the symptoms.  They often cause rebound heartburn  as the stomach works overtime to try to make up for the stomach acid it doesn’t have. In the long run, antacids will make heartburn and indigestion worse. They can contain trace elements that block mineral absorption and can cause harm to the nervous system.  They can produce vitamin and mineral deficiencies and irreparable harm to your organs and bones.  The good news is there are many natural remedies for indigestion and heartburn.  The first is changing your diet to eliminate problem foods.  Period.  Yep, you have to do it.  In the meantime, take 2 tablespoons of organic, unpasturized apple cider vinegar (with the Mother) added to 8oz of water thirty minutes before meals.  I take one Vitacost Mega Digestive Enzymes with Pancreatin 10X before every meal I eat. Continue reading

What to do When you Can’t Stomach It by by Jesse Stoff, MD

Digestive problems can occur for numerous reasons and many a book has been penned about them. These problems may occur from physiological changes, infections, inflammatory processes or more severe pathology.  As usual, any problem that is new, severe, of rapid onset or accompanied by pain or blood in the stool should be checked out by your physician. Fortunately, most problems are of a functional nature.  As we age, many things commonly happen to our digestive tract as our physiology changes. Things tend to slow down as our muscle mass and muscle tone decreases, so we need more roughage/fiber and water to compensate for these changes and keep things rolling along. Also, as we age, our stomach’s production of hydrochloric acid decreases as does our production of digestive enzymes by our pancreas. As a result we can develop symptoms of gas, bloating and indigestion as the good bacteria in our digestive tract are thrown out of balance by their changing environment. If we don’t digest our food well, it tends to putrefy and this will lead to a variety of systemic symptoms ranging from fatigue to achiness and headaches to say the least! Continue reading

Songwriters – want to record your songs? It’s affordable!

Jeffery Allen Spence

Are you a songwriter? Have you written songs you want to see recorded? I can help your dream become reality!  Hi, my name is Jeff Spence and I am a sought after keyboardist/producer working with Pat Bautz (Three Dog Night) here on the Space Coast.    Also, singers, want to record a friend’s song?  Contact me to see your musical dreams come true! 504.715.0659 email

RELATED:  Gratitude Radio

Gratitude Radio: Spreading the Attitude

Studies suggest that people who are more grateful have higher levels of well-being, are happier, less depressed, less stressed, and more satisfied with their lives and social relationships. They have higher levels of control of their environments, personal growth, purpose in life, and self acceptance. Grateful people sleep better.
You’ve found it! Welcome to Gratitude Radio: Spreading the Attitude.

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Dr Joe Dispenza on Creating Each Day

Dr. Joe Dispenza

“So, if we’re consciously designing our destiny, if we’re consciously, from a spiritual standpoint, throwing in the idea that our thoughts can affect our reality or affect our life, because reality equals life…, then, I have this little pact that I have when I create my day. I say to myself, I’m taking this time to create my day, and I’m infecting the Quantum Field. Now, if it is in fact [infecting my/the energy feld], the Observer’s watching me the whole time that I’m doing this, and there is a spiritual aspect to myself. Then, show me a sign today, that you paid attention to any one of these things that I created, and bring them in a way that I won’t expect.”  ~ Dr Joe Dispenza, featured expert, People v. The State of Illusion

Sunday Sept 2, 2012, at Yoga Shakti Mission: Wild Edible Plants

Each Sunday the Yoga Shakti Mission presents their Sunshine Lecture Series from 9:00 to 10:00am.  On Sunday 2nd September Tennessee Vickerie will give a presentation showing a few of the wild edible plants growing at Yogashakti Mission and then the group will proceed to view Tennessee’s garden /farm on Hield Road. He grows most of his own food in his back yard.   All welcome. Yoga Shakti Mission is located at 3895 Hield Rd NW, Palm Bay, FL 32907. A mile west of Minton Road, just north of Palm Bay Road (exit 176 off I-95) 321-725-4024  Visit Let us know if you would like to make a presentation one Sunday.

What would you do?

A year ago, Domino began taking medication after a friend witnessed her having a seizure on 3 separate occasions. Medication makes her too drowsy to drive. She is afraid she’ll have a seizure if she drives without it. Now her doctor has forbidden her to drive for 6 months. That leaves her with needing to get a ride to work and back. She is looking for another job and she needs to find another place to live as well. She feels vulnerable and backed into a corner. What would you suggest she do?

Real Housewives – Insecure Mean Girls Who Never Grew Up

I watched part of The Real Housewives of New York last night.  I’d watched the first season or so but after that each episode dissolved into jealous envy and backbiting.  It’s never fun for me to watch people arguing and trying to one-up each other.  Of the NY show, Ramona seems to be the one who demands the most air time, so she’s always stirring up arguments with gossip.  Lately she’s really got it out for Luann, pitting her against several of the others.  Last night Ramona was in her glory as LuAnn brought Johnny Depp look alike Tomas to her room at 3am.   Continue reading