Greetings! Are we loving this change of climate or what! Plants are loving it too. All of my greens have sprung new growth and are growing fast. Those moist cloudy days are enhancing the rye grass sprouts that came up after the rain last week. Soon the farm will be as green and luscious as the Shire in the movie The Hobbit! After a good soaking rain is the perfect time to scatter rye grass seeds on the ground. Then let mother nature take over and in about three days you will see that the seeds have sprouted. Apply water when rains are not in the forecast. Soon, you will have a bright green carpet of rye grass. Rye grass provides one blade per seed. It is not a ‘running’ type so scatter plenty of seed. It only grows in the cooler months and should last till May. Meet Gremlin. He is our baby dwarf goat that we have been bottle feeding. He’s very friendly…. He’s always following us around the farm. With ears that big he will be able to fly one day! He is just 6 weeks old now and is sprouting little horns. He’s shorter than a Growbox! Thank goodness! Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2011
Just because it doesn’t last doesn’t mean it wasn’t special
A friend wrote on Facebook, “Sad to hear Demi and Ashton are divorcing… from the outside it sure seemed like they had something special… ” I thought, hmmmm, just because it didn’t last doesn’t mean it wasn’t special. They were together 8 years.
What do I give first fruits to? Letting my mind know who’s boss.
I know this happens to you, too. Whenever I sit to write something I always make myself go through a bunch of other mail, etc. before I can get to it. When I sit down to type out my thoughts, my sense of obligation rises up and says, “check email first, answer anything you can answer quickly.” Then I’m distracted from my original thought. I am the one who decides which I want to give attention to first. Of course my mind wants me to do the busy work first, and save the soul searching and mind/control/focus practice for later. The mind gets afraid anytime I want to meditate or contemplate deep thoughts, it gets nervous because it wants to jump around and flit from one thought to another. It knows by contemplation and self inquiry and breathing that I will be able to control it. It is a child who cannot control his impulses and it does not want me to control them either. Continue reading
Call me old school, I like two spaces after a period.
Maybe I’ve been a print publisher too long. I don’t like one space after a period. After a coma, okay. After a question mark? Two spaces please. After a semi-colon; one space is ok. After a period. Two. For sure. Oh wait, maybe that’s just how my eye is used to seeing them, and I am resisting change, by wanting it to be other than it is. By wanting it – the “rule” – to change or not change. Hmmm anytime I resist change, I have a big lesson to learn. Wordpress automatically defaults what I type into one space after each period. I can go back in and “edit” it back to two spaces, but whatever I initially type will default to one space after punctuation. I thought it was just easier to read and I like easy to read. I like a lot of white space around important words. Okay, as you were.
How do I love me? Let me count the ways!
I love me enough to honor me when others will not or cannot! I love me enough to release those things and individuals that do not empower me to be the best I can be. I love me enough to make better choices about the people I hang with and the places I go. I love me enough to want to clean up any messes I may have created in my process of discovering who I AM and what I have come here for! I love me enough to no longer settle for funk and I seek only the good that I deserve! Oh yeah! I’m lovin’ some ME and it feels good! By Jamie Sanders
A Meditation on Oneness for Personal and Planetary Transformation
So often in life we feel alone, as though we’re the only one thinking what we’re thinking; feeling what we’re feeling. This meditation done regularly will strengthen your feeling of connection with others and bring a deep sense of calm in your life:
Take a few deep, even breaths before we begin. Sit comfortably with your eyes closed, your spine straight and your body at ease. Breathe slowly and deeply, and feel all the tension flow out of your body, with every breath you take. Getting deeper and deeper relaxed, with every breath you take. Now envision breathing in healing, cleansing light and filling your body with it. The deeper you breathe in, the deeper you relax, and the brighter you shine with this brilliant, healing, cleansing light. Feel the light radiant within you and around you, and out from you toward the others in the room with you now. Continue reading
You can’t make someone believe
Giving someone the time and space to unfold themselves
I have friends that are highly motivated, very creative and involved in many projects at once, like me. A few times a year, I like to create for myself a retreat atmosphere in my home and schedule time to sit down and focus on whatever it is I’ve chosen to work on. Usually my retreats are for self discovery or to finish a writing project. I’ve done weekends with friends where we also do yoga, meditation, creative visualization, some healthy cooking, writing workshops, tarot/divination intensives and the Monroe Institute Gateway Voyage Experience together. Sometimes we camp out in the yard and sometimes we spend the weekend in silence. Sometimes a friend wants a quiet, conducive space to finish their own project, like Domino right now. Continue reading
I don’t want to be a brand
I don’t want to be a brand. I don’t want to get famous. I just want to be a good person doing good work. I don’t need a gazillion clients. I just need a handful of the right clients. I don’t need to mass market myself. I just need to believe what I do has value and that I’ll attract the people who want it.
If you’re telling your story, you’re telling their story
Domino says it’s weird sometimes to have so many things going on but can’t really talk about it because it’s not just your story, it’s their story, too. I can dig it.