Monthly Archives: June 2011

My magical garden experience with the blue gray nuthatchers

The Nuthatch

Yesterday afternoon I had the coolest experience in the garden.  I’d just moved the sprinkler from one section of the garden to another and 3-4 little grey/blue/white wren-like birds began landing on branches in front of me and darting from branch to branch and to the waterpot, over and over.  They took drinks and preened right in font of me, I could have reached and touched them.  I was walking when they began doing it, so I stood still to see how long they would stay.   It was such a cool moment!  I love my NOW.  Even now.  And now, too.  I wonder what the birds were, does anyone know?  They were definitely a blue/grey/white, not brown, and otherwise looked like wrens. My bird book only shows brown wrens. They are thumb sized (including wings and head) and they kind of hover but are not hummingbirds.  On Facebook, Rhonda Gaylord suggested it might be the blue-gray gnatcatcher and they look real silimar but a little bigger.  Galpal Suzanne Richmond suggested a nuthatch and  I see that’s exactly what they are.

At 59 I’m happy with how my butt looks in jeans

I hate to waste food, but I’ve learned to discard it rather than eat the few bites left just to not waste them.  My tummy thanks me, my hips thank me and my clothes thank me by fitting perfectly.  Who knew at 59 I’d be thrilled with how my butt looks in jeans?   I wrote in Counting Carbs — I Won’t Do That Again “The last thing I want to do when I’m an old chick is drag around some fat and sick body while I’m trying to have my fun adventures.”

If you could begin again now, with no responsibilities from the past, no debt, no family obligations, what would you do?  The money doesn’t matter and you can bring from the past anything you’d like.  What would you do?

When you get derailed in conversations with friends, is that because you’ve got a thinner rail, or because they are closer to the ground and have less fear of falling?