Yearly Archives: 2009

A Meditation To Help Transmute the Suffering Of The World

This is a variation on tonglen, an ancient Buddhist meditation practice.

Breathe into your heart, taking in all pain and suffering and incompleteness of human life.
Offer this breath up to God by breathing it up through your crown into the Universe.

Breathe down the power which is beyond all suffering and take it into your heart.
Add your own love and offer it out to the world as your gift.

Breathe in to your heart all unhappiness and suffering.
Offer it up to God.

Breathe in to your heart God’s love.
Offer it out to the world.

Repeat as needed, daily or every moment of your life, forever.

RELATED: How To Practice Tonglen

New Year, New Cooking Habits. Another change in perception

Monday January 12, 2009 As each new year begins, I like to reflect on how my life is different than the year before, and what upgrades I’ve made. Not just with a new car or new appliances or a new wardrobe, but also new ways I’ve discovered to make parts of my life run easier, like my business with Horizons Magazine, or my health and fitness.  So I’ve been upgrading my cooking habits. Continue reading

A healthy big Sunday breakfast

Sunday January 11, 2009   I am skipping church this morning to get through my email ads for the February Horizons Magazine.  Only 204 more to go and I have until Friday to finish it…  So this morning I made my version of a big breakfast to begin my day, so I can work straight through.  It began with sauteeing half of a baking potato in a nonstick pan with Pam Spray with Olive Oil.  I began another nonstick pan with a handful of sliced white mushrooms.  Continue reading

Driving at night; staying focused

Sunday January 11, 2009     Last Friday I drove to Unity of Melbourne to see David Roth in concert – he’s a really enjoyable and innovative singer/songwriter. I rarely drive out after dark, mostly because I schedule sessions for the evenings. I’ve done that for so many years now that I find it’s challenging to drive at night.  Since I’m not used to it, it’s easy to get distracted by the bright lights and I need to pay careful attention to stay focused on the road ahead of me.   Kind of like life… Continue reading

Ma Yoga Shakti and Ma Jaya January 11

Ma Jaya Saraswati will be visiting Ma Yoga Shakti at Yoga Shakti Mission today Sunday January 11th at 1:00 pm.  All are welcome to attend to greet Ma Jaya, to attend  Satsang with Mataji and Ma Jaya and receive Prasaad (lunch).  Please inform Yoga Shakti Mission, 3895 Hield Rd NW, Palm Bay, FL 32907, 321-725-4024,

At 9:00am today Sunday January 11th Ma Yoga Shakti will be speaking on Raj Yoga.  She will also be speaking at 9:00am on Jan 18th and 25th as well. Continue reading

The good news keeps coming

I was pretty industrious today so far, doing non-magazine related projects.  I did some bicycle maintenance and went for a daytime ride around the neighborhood.  I watered the line of arbicola cuttings I planted alongside the cleared path in the woods.  I dragged some dead eleagnus cuttings to the street from the backyard.  I’d had a beansprout stirfry for breakfast with some miso soup.  It began as a salad then I decided to stirfry it and throw an egg in there also, with some soy sauce.  My tummy was growling again but I didn’t want to take the time to eat.  I had things to do.  That’s a good habit to get in to Continue reading

Parable of the 3 Dreams

Sleep restful by pinoIN THE FIRST DREAM  I am walking along a very rough terrain, on the way to climb a high and rather forbidding mountain, the top of which is concealed by mist and clouds. It is clear that the ascent of this mountain symbolizes my whole life. Clambering over the rubble in front of me is not too daunting, but as I look ahead I see that my way is blocked by several cliffs that appear to be around ten feet high. Beyond those are some still higher cliffs, the farthest being perhaps hundreds of feet high. I have no idea how I will deal with those when I get to them, but meanwhile there seems nothing to do but forge ahead. However, although I didn’t know notice it at first, I am growing in stature as I go along, so that by the time I finally reach the ten foot cliffs I am tall enough that I can simply step up over them. The same with the hundred foot cliffs. Continue reading

Getting a handle what I spend $$ on; listening for guidance, being open to opportunity

Yesterday was spent organizing papers and making copies for the tax accountant.  What I thought was going to be a 1-2 job turned into 11 hours almost nonstop before I cut loose of it to begin again later this morning.   And all it is is copying check registers, bank statements, credit card statements, Paypal statements, merchant account statements, and figuring my mileage for the year.   I’ve learned to keep a daily mileage log and I don’t back out of the garage without making the entry, since the IRS allows me over 50c a business mile.  Continue reading

A mindful driving meditation

January 8, 2009      An easy, painless meditation while driving:  Become aware of the feel of the car.  Breathe it into you and breathe yourself out into it. Become aware of the positions of all cars around you.  Breathe them in and breathe yourself out to include them.  Become aware of the pull of your arm muscles as you turn and guide the car.  Be aware of the shift of your weight as you apply gas and brake.  Be aware of the sounds around you.  Then realize that just as you are in control of the car, just so is your Higher Self  in control of your body and guides it in all that you do.  Now, listen to the inner sounds as you breathe that in.