When your body wants to cry. Attracting angelic visitation.

Domino asks:  In your opinion, when emotions start trying up from deep, like your body is physically forcing itself to cry, do you feel this is something that has been addressed trying to heal?  And you have no clear idea what the emotion is about. What’s your experience?

Andrea:  When emotions come up, especially if it’s a grief or hurt that has say, the same intensity as an anger, where you just can’t momentarily get out of it, when your emotional body temporarily overtakes your mental body, that means something has been triggered.  When they’ve been triggered, it can either be that you have been working on them and they are rising to the surface to be dissipated, or it can be a signal it is time to address them to release them. Tell me what you are experiencing.”

Domino: Strong emotions come up like wanting to cry… no idea what theyre about… happens periodically

Andrea:  The wanting to cry is a big way our body releases tension. There is always a grief going around in us for something, especially when we feel we are alone in the world with no true confidante (friend at least, not mate particularly.)

Domino:  Abandonment is my big issue to continue overcoming… but I feel I’ve made progress.  So the healing should come by letting it out?

Andrea:  Definitely let it out, when I’m able to cry, I let it go on as long as it needs to. I usually drink water or splash my face with water to take me out of it quickly if it comes on, but at these times I let it out.

Domino: I had interesting gig the other night, I did my meditation night before, and at first song of gig, the electric flutters on my arms and body showed strong, unlike any on a gig.  It continued for 10 min… I just smiled because I knew my helpers were there, but it surprised me.

Andrea:  Very cool experience! When you call them forth, they are always available. The only thing that keeps them from reaching us is our own (unconscious) resistance.  Since it’s unconscious, we can think we’re relaxing and accepting it all but then we really are not.  Like some people dive right into the ocean naked, some wear a wetsuit and some wear the heavy diving suits of old. Which one is in more direct contact with the ocean? Yet they are all in it.

Domino: On this night, I was just doing my gig and voila.  This is what I desire for my upcoming gigs for angels, healing spirits to be around.

Andrea:  It will be more so now that you’ve found a feeling place for it.  The more you can run through your memory of that night and how it felt and how you have access to them when you’re in the flow, the more you will attract it.

Domino: But breathing is important, yes?

Andrea: Breathing is important, but if you focus on the fact that you are breathing to facilitate contact, that introduces resistance. It’s tricky. The breathing in the midst of the visualization or recollection works the same as conscious breathing in sex, it acts as a vehicle to sustain thought and sensation.  The longer you stay in the feeling vibe of where you want to be, the more you are resonating with it.  The more you are resonating with it, the quicker you are attracting more of it.

Domino: I used to play for an evangelist who said she could see them all the time, and they would be in on the healings.

Andrea:  There are many who say they see them who do not, so do not think you should be seeing them because someone else “more evolved than you” says they seem them.

Domino: I think the crying needs to come on out, I don’t think it likes being in there.

Andrea:  The crying definitely needs to come out. I am not someone who cries easily but I’ve vibed there the past few days, so this conversation is no surprise.  Several loved ones passed this weekend and I am having the emotional waves off and on. I know what mine is about.  You, however, do NOT know what the feeling is attached to, so this is what I’d do: When you’re in the midst of a wave of the feeling of needing or wanting to cry, ask it, (and be prepared to write or type if you can): what are you here to show me? what is this sadness for?

Domino: I’ve been told if you get still, you can figure what the emotion is about.  What do you do when it comes up and you don’t know what its about?

Andrea: Yes, it could be from back 10-20 years ago, some incident you don’t recall consciously.  When it comes up, ask it why it’s there, why do I feel like this? Take this pain from my heart or show me what it is and show me how to work through it and do as You would have me Do.

When my ex and I amicably split, I felt a longing grief for the close emotional intimacy we’d established. I had muscle memory of spending hours a day and then suddenly not.  When I understood that was what the cells of my body were grieving, the understanding made my grief disappear in a heartbeat.

Domino: In meditation the other night, the Mother spirit and angels came and massaged my chest and heart. was like a spirit massage over entire body… was like when my grandma used to rub vaporub on my chest, wanted me to feel loved. What does that mean?

Andrea:  Ah, chest and heart, they activated you, the dream was your mind’s interpretation of the initiation and kundalini awakening they were doing.  That’s good, they used that imagery since it was already a memory for you to associate it with for translation purposes.

Domino: After this, I don’t feel so alone. Then next night on gig, showed up

Andrea:  They will show up more now.  Be careful who you tell about it, their mocking may make you doubt your experience.  It’s good to write down your experience as you are in the emotion of it, because even later you, too, will begin to doubt you had it.  Write it down in as much detail as possible soon after it happens, and include the emotion of it and the feeling presence.  Then re-read it during the day and before bedtime, to get yourself in the vibe, so to speak, which will attract more of it.

Don’t be concerned if you don’t feel it for a while again. That is just because you’re wanting to, and the wanting to means you don’t and the don’t means you’re not in the vibe yet.  Just know that that little nervousness and resistance will pass soon enough and you’ll feel it more and more on a regular basis.  Just keep bringing it to mind.

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