What is going on in the earth’s energy field? Better to ask what is going on in your mind

A friend emailed:  “Can you enlighten us on what is going on in the earth’s energy field?  We are feeling strange in a not too pleasant way.  Thank you.
I replied, “Uh oh, I may not be the one to answer that.  I look at things a whole different way.  I know that everything is always evolving and changing and our biggest job in life is to surf the environment we find ourselves in and make the most of it. I think it doesn’t matter what is happening to the earth’s energy field, that we each are personally very powerful vortexes of energy ourselves.  My experience is that our personal energy can override the prevalent energy of any physical locale, that we are indeed the vortex.

By becoming conscious and aware within this powerful vortex of a vehicle, we learn to master it so that body and mind do our bidding.  Meaning with practice we can discipline our physical bodies to awaken early and sit for meditation and contemplation, and allow us to form habitual patterns to practice our daily affirmations and visualizations and prepaving our happy tomorrows, etc.

Meaning when we discipline ourselves to do the daily work of connecting to spirit and recognizing we attract into our experience by virtue of our thoughts, we begin to get messages from within that assure us that no matter what it appears is going on in the world, we’re going to be led to a place where it’s ok and we’re moving forward.

I think one reason you are “feeling strange in a not too pleasant way” has to do with the nature of the work we all do.  We want to help those around us, and we sit and listen to their stuff and try to help them sort it out, at least enough that they can be productive members of society, if not actually happy.  And like it or not, some of their stuff sticks to us which means it sticks with us.

So here we are with a little of our own sticky stuff we’re working through, now add on the sticky stuff of two dozen clients, the sticky stuff of our immediate family members and close associates.  Add on the sticky stuff of anything that is in the news or on tv, add on the sticky stuff of every hidden agenda of everyone who isn’t confident enough they can make it on their own without cheating and shortchanging  family, friends and clients, indeed everyone around them.

It’s surprising when any of us can make our way out of that mound of taffy glue globbing down on us all the time, and I believe that might account for feeling strange in a not too pleasant way. Feeling restricted, feeling anxious and insecure, feeling a little disoriented, a little out of sync.  For me, the saving grace is being disciplined enough to meditate, which leads me into observer consciousness, and once the emotional attachment is removed, the security unfolds for me from there.

But then, I also don’t watch the news or read the paper. That’s one reason I likely have a little less glue globbing down on me.