What Does Everyone Worry About?

The other day I asked on Facebook: What does everyone worry about? Two hours later no one had posted any comments, so I posted:

I see everyone is worried that someone will judge them for commenting here 🙂 OK, I’ll start, I WORRY that despite my best efforts, I don’t do enough. I worry that I’ll never make time for a personal life. I worry that I’m just complaining about stuff I may not actually want to change.

One friend wrote: I worry about the same things.. am I doing enough? What blocks do I put in my own way I’m blind to? I worry that my need for controlling the “bad” stuff in life consumes me in moments and blinds me from joy(like my son being not so well in moments and leaving to go to Kuwait) I worry that I am not a good enough friend and that I am not extending love when I can to help ease a burden. I worry that I complain to much and don’t recognize the blessings I have and the people in my life who are a blessing to me.

Another wrote: I worry that I’m settling when I should be demanding more. I worry that I’ll never get it all done. I worry that the most important thing (whatever that is) is the one thing I won’t get around to doing. I worry that I’ll lose my keys again, or break my glasses again. I worry that I’ll die alone.

Another: I’ve got a message of hope and happiness and I worry that not enough people will hear it. I worry that I will not be able to touch the lives of 150 million people that I set as my long term goal if I don’t learn how to market really soon.

My fellow goofball buddy Barbara Nowak wrote: I worry that (doggie) Mr. Peanut will love (son in law) Al more than me and when I come back from San Antonio, he will refuse to come back home. Am I shallow and unspiritual??

Another: I worry that I won’t get it all done. I worry that my loved ones will die before me and leave me all alone. I worry about my son’s safety when he is not at home (the fact that he is 22 doesn’t matter).

Another: My “worry” is couched in “concern.” I have concerns that my “self-induced” health issues will ultimately restrict my freedom and independence, and guilt will replace timely, effective action, like stepping up the exercise plan! And yes, like you say Andrea, is this something I want to change in the first place, and if so, what’ is stopping me from acting upon it? The big question: What can I do to be okay about loving myself? If I always lived in that context, then everything else would fall into place with health and well-being leading the way…

Another: I have this constant worry that I’m going to “lose” something in my life. It’s not really a conscious thing, more of an underlying current that applies to everything. It occurs often when I forget to connect with my faith and beliefs.

So what I learned from this brief experiment is that, well, surprise, we all worry about the same basic things. Well,we don’t ALL worry that Mr. Peanut will forsake Barb for Al, but you get my drift.

What do YOU worry about?

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