The system did not fail Trayvon Martin, that is the system at work. You don’t know the law, so you can’t comment.

I see various organizations demanding Justice for Trayvon Martin, saying “the system failed and we’re out to have justice.”  As a criminal defense paralegal in Florida for 22 years, I know the law and the system did not fail. This is the system at work.  It won’t always be popular.  A friend wrote: “It failed plenty. Many of the facts surrounding this case were not even mentioned at the trial. And GZ’s father is a judge. That speaks volumes.” With all due respect, there are many legal reasons particular info “is not even mentioned at trial” that may defy logic but are legally viable. This is what happens when people get incensed and talk among themselves yet do not know the law. They make themselves crazy – this IS the system. That is why I did not comment as it was ongoing. Unless I heard all the testimony myself, I don’t know what was said. I don’t comment on something based on third party info. If I didn’t hear it myself, I can’t know the truth, period. No one can.