The March 2025 Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes

March 2025

The March 2025 Horizons is now online at Click here for the MARCH 2025 Horizons mobile version.  Here are the horoscopes. Click here for a desktop pdf version

Aries – (March 19 – April 18)

This month, the sky invites you to wait and reflect until the 20th; the sun in Pisces doesn’t encourage you to step into the spotlight. With Mercury in your sign from the 1st to the 29th, your communication style will be persuasive with abundant ideas, but the planet goes retrograde on the 15th, so take your time making decisions. Venus is also in your sign but goes retrograde on the 2nd, prompting you to analyze your feelings and attractions don’t rush into anything! Mars in Cancer brings stimulating yet possibly conflicting energy to your home; strive for maximum diplomacy. Jupiter supports you, your friends will be there for you, and your neighborhood or sibling relationships will be excellent. Neptune enters your sign on the 30th, boosting your desire to pursue your dreams while respecting those of others. 

Love in General
Your desire to love will be strong! Venus in your sign enhances your charisma, you express love through every pore of your skin but from the 2nd you may feel a hindrance, is the timing right, is the person available? From the 15th, watch your words, your decisions, don’t get carried away.

In a relationship
With Mars in Cancer causing a bit of impatience or aggressiveness in you, and Venus in your sign making you want to love and conquer, your partner will need to be tolerant and tender to tame your impetuous temperament. And you?

You will become what you perfect, but you will not have the map or guide. Be careful, your approaches must remain seductive, gentle, and your words pleasant, or you will spend the month still very lonely!

Career / Finance
Your behavior at work will fluctuate between a direct approach and a hint of diplomacy that you are not used to; you may unsettle your partners or associates. Venus could facilitate a financial influx while Jupiter makes your most productive contacts easier. Your actions will be triggered by emotions, so keep your cool.

This month is expected to be tense if you forget that important things need time to build and endure. Don’t rush things and it will be better.

Taurus – (April 19 – May 19)

Always undergoing changes under the influence of Uranus (especially last decan), you approach this month with many projects in mind until the 20th. The Sun, Saturn, and Neptune in Pisces facilitate your contacts, your ideas please others, and your experience helps you progress. Mercury in Aries from the 3rd to the 28th helps you think, you may not reveal your thoughts right away.

Mars in good aspect boosts your morale, you have confidence in yourself and your dynamism remains effective. From the 20th, the Sun rushes into Aries and joins Mercury and Venus, you should feel like preparing for something, you feel that something is about to happen, but what? Jupiter serves your financial interests, your income may be on the rise? Pluto imposes a change. (1st decan)

Love in General
From the 1st to the 28th, Venus in Aries doesn’t encourage you to express your feelings or show them openly. However, Mars in Cancer makes it easier for you to act based on your immediate emotions, allowing you to act gently and show the other person that you care.

In a relationship
You internalize your feelings too much, and your partner could suffer because of it. However, you long for a physical and emotional connection with your partner. Mars in a water sign enhances your natural delicacy, dare to bring flowers and plan a romantic getaway to spice up your relationship.

The social circle makes it easier to meet up until the 20th, possibly in an unusual place! You can make a trip to join someone dear to you. Your desires are filled with sensitivity, but your feelings are stuck in your throat – adjust!

Career / Finance
The energies stemming from Aries are holding back your professional development a bit because you don’t dare to stand out, and some opportunities could slip away from you. Nevertheless, Jupiter is protecting your assets (especially the second decan), so your income will be stable or even increasing. Use Mars to help you communicate tactfully during important conversations.

Don’t rush anything, take the time to think and then take action – energies may push you a bit and you don’t like that at all. At the end of the month, some calmness is coming.

Gemini – (May 20 – June 19)

You are focusing on your work this month as well as on the projects you may have in mind. From the 1st to the 20th, the Sun in Pisces boosts your ambition, you want to advance in your job, and Jupiter in your sign also instills confidence in your abilities, ideal for this type of project!

On the 20th, the Sun joins Mercury and Venus in Aries, you feel the call of constructive activism, your friend circle responds, charm and tactical intelligence help you make your mark. Mars adds its touch of emotion in a financial sector, you will not give up on increasing your income or experiencing rich sensuality. Saturn slightly hinders the last decan, accompany this process, while Pluto on the contrary opens the way to a radical change. (1st decan)

Love in General
From the 1st to the 27th, you should have a conquering heart, a warm affectionate expression, and the words to say it. Mars in Cancer accentuates your sensuality, but also a very marked possessiveness. Do not smother your partner out of fear of losing them, as that would be the way to make them run away!

In a relationship
Playful and mischievous, you will feel like going out with your other half and enjoying the benefits of a close bond. However, Mars exposes you to a strong libido and a touch of possible jealousy, so trust your partner!

Go out! Your chances of meeting someone are high throughout the month, with the energies of Aries, the Sun, Mercury, and Venus helping you to come across your soulmate. Be careful, though, as Mars will intensify your emotional restlessness, so beware of unnecessary impatience.

Career / Finance
Your career is clearly your main concern until the 20th – you will be focused, determined to advance in your job. Your finances could benefit from a windfall related to your appealing personality (especially for the last ten days), be it regarding money or work, you will be assertive! Your interpersonal relationships are looking stylish and impactful, so do not rush your banker from the 2nd to the 27th.

This month is full of promises. Don’t be discouraged if some obstacles arise, they are part of life itself. You have everything you need to move forward with your projects, so stay focused!

Cancer – (June 20 – July 21)

Idealistic to the core, you start this month with a desire to seize life with both hands! The sun in Pisces stimulates your appetite for learning and progressing, all areas of life are involved but especially the realm of studies and training. Mars in your sign further strengthens your thirst for living; you are dynamic, effective, on all fronts! Starting from the 20th, energies in Aries boost your professional sphere, you communicate a lot, sometimes too much, and use your charm to convince or do as you please? Your mind is focused on a project that you may have been carrying for a while, Jupiter currently gives you social advancement desires that are not ripe, prefer self-reflection. A lovely month in store!

Love in General
The planets in Aries slightly disrupt your strong emotions, don’t let yourself be destabilized if your partner sulks or doesn’t share your opinion, after all, you love them for their personality! Mars boosts your tender and passionate desires, a nice combo!

In a relationship
Some tensions are possible, especially between the 3rd and the 15th, so don’t get defensive just because you are sensitive; your partner is probably just as much. Act with moderation, tact, shower your partner with love, no pointless reproaches.

Dynamic and entrepreneurial, you could positively improve your love life! Whether at work or through friends, your romantic quest will require smooth communication in order to not miss out on real chances of fulfillment. Think about it!

Career / Finance
Jupiter is neutral for you, your opportunities are currently dormant. However, Mars makes you more active and self-assured than usual; your boss should quickly realize this. Venus is facilitating a project or a friendship that could turn out to be useful in the future, so believe in yourself.

A month full of possibilities is ahead of you, but don’t get ahead of yourself or there may be hiccups! Stay open to new opportunities with patience.

Leo – (July 22 – August 21)

This month promises to be favorable for internal changes resulting from either self-reflection or decisions imposed by others. In any case, you will have the tools to face any event, be it beneficial or challenging, with the energies in Aries, Mercury, and Venus helping you to stay positive and articulate. After the 20th, the sun also moves into Aries, giving you a boost if needed, your strength returns!

Jupiter makes your social relationships easier or any project you have behind the scenes, take advantage of the numerous opportunities that may come your way. Mars in Cancer doesn’t really help you to act at the right moment or as you would wish, a bit of hesitation might arise. Uranus continues to slightly disrupt the last decan, the professional sphere may pose some difficulties, so adapt accordingly.

Love in General
Even though Venus retrogrades starting from the 2nd, this fiery energy suits you perfectly! You should fully embrace your passionate feelings, your interactions will be lively and loyal, your conquests should appreciate it. Bet on a straightforward and unambiguous behavior, Mars could make you very romantic.

In a relationship
In love and romantic, you bring a powerful idealism to your relationship, wanting the best for both of you. A bit secretive until the 20th, you fully reveal yourselves afterward, with the opportunity to share long dinners or a trip for two.

The period facilitates meeting someone you like during a distant trip or a cultural or educational seminar. Your desires may struggle to be expressed smoothly, so don’t be aggressive in asserting yourself or too secretive.

Career / Finance
A legal or lawful operation could boost your finances. Your work is occupying your mind and you aspire to climb the ladder, but do you have the necessary composure? Jupiter is protecting your joint projects (second decan) while Uranus is distracting the last decan. Pluto is urging you to undergo a transformation (first decan) so hold on tight!

A well-managed month awaits you! Be assertive and strategic, but don’t abuse your power. Act with discernment and loyalty, and others will do the same with you.

Virgo – (Aug 22 – Sept 21)

A beautiful intensity is announced for this month! Until the 20th, the sun shining on you highlights your intimate partner or associates, you must take everyone’s opinions into account. Mercury, your planet, in Aries from the 3rd to the 28th and retrograde on the 15th, urges you to communicate subtly, don’t get carried away, be less skeptical, and stay attuned to your inner voice.

From the 20th, the sun moves into Aries as well as Venus on the 2nd, you will need to understand the events, you will be eager to shed light on your emotional life or your social position. Jupiter intensifies its pressure on your job, resist grumpy minds with humor! Mars supports your friend network and inspires you with a dynamism capable of motivating others.

Love in General
Your emotional sphere is torn between powerful feelings that you are not used to experiencing and a sensuality full of tenderness that seeks to express itself but not to attach. Your nature will have to make compromises! Watch your words from the 3rd to the 28th, do not hurt others, remain thoughtful.

In a relationship
Until the 20th, you feel like making your better half happy by proving your feelings with impactful words and a somewhat chivalrous approach. After the 20th, don’t pay attention to trivial matters, be present without suffocating the other.

The circle of friends is conducive to a very sensual encounter. You could meet someone with a fiery temperament, very energetic, and different from you, but that’s what could really catch your heart. After the 28th, keep your eyes open!

Career / Finance
Contracts are favored until the 20th, so if you have a request to make, go ahead! Then, you hang on like a devil to make things evolve in your favor, the energies in Aries boost your combativeness like never before. An inflow of money is possible between the 2nd and the 27th.

Dynamism and challenge characterize this month! Your shy and discreet nature will have to assert itself to be heard or seen. Trust yourself a little, that’s your key!

Libra – (Sept 22 – Oct 21)

Thanks to the Sun in Pisces (as well as Saturn and Neptune) until the 20th, you are diligent, serious, and your boss might compliment you! Mars in Cancer in your professional sector emphasizes your commitment to your work, but steer clear of overly authoritative or grouchy colleagues. The energies in Aries for the rest of the month (Sun, Mercury, and Venus) highlight your intimate partner or associates; you won’t be able to act truly without considering them. On the contrary, you’ll need and want to prove your worth, your feelings, or your inner strength. The more delicate communication from the 15th urges you to choose your words carefully so as not to hurt anyone, while Venus retrograde from the 2nd may prompt you to reflect on your romantic life.

Love in General
Venus in Aries, retrograde, pushes you to both love passionately and express your feelings with fervor, but also to weigh the pros and cons. What makes your heart sing? Your desires will be important, likely making you more demanding, which could disconcert those around you.

In a relationship
Your partner will be very important, your relationship will unfold in a passionate way, almost too much, keep your feet on the ground a little. Mars will shake up the climate square of these energies, some real tensions are not excluded.

Your quest for your soulmate will become clearer, the fiery atmosphere is urging you to act, to make decisions quickly but take your time, the energies do not suggest permanence. A meeting is still possible, the professional sector could meet your expectations.

Career / Finance
The contractual sector under Aries energies could represent a new, more advantageous contract or a collaboration you have been waiting for. However, read between the lines especially after the 15th. With the effects of Mars, you should pursue your goals as your dynamism will be strong, avoid burnout!

A month full of surprises and twists awaits you. Focus on quality over quantity, and your hopes will be better served this way!

Scorpio – (Oct 22 – Nov 20)

The sector of love and children, if you are a parent, is at the center of your concerns until the 20th. Serious but inspired and romantic, you will have ease in creating or loving. After the 20th, the energies in Aries the sun, Mercury, and Venus set the tone for your work and daily life sector. Dynamic as can be, your interpersonal skills should be important, especially since you know how to handle things, right? Uranus in Taurus brings unexpected events to the last decan; adapt while Pluto seeks to deeply alter the life of the first decan. With Mars in a favorable aspect to your sign, your intuition will be so strong that you will have a head start! Jupiter heralds financial, legal, or inheritance ease, or support from your partner.

Love in General
Ardor and passion characterize this month. You receive the energies of Venus in Aries and Mars in Cancer, your heart will go boom and your libido should satisfy your intimate desires. However, feelings may be unstable and pleasantly spice up your daily life, let come to you what must be!

In a relationship
Your relationship should go through a pleasant, sensual period; it is in your own home that you could recharge away from prying eyes. An urge for a change of scenery might arise, so why not suggest a romantic getaway to your partner?

Keep an eye out at work or while shopping, as you might meet someone! Before the 20th, a cultural or sporting activity could lead you to meet your soulmate. Your feelings will be intense, your desires very tender, declare your love tactfully!

Career / Finance
Harmoniously connected to your sign, Mars boosts your boldness, your zeal, and your actions will be fair and intuitive. Your assets could experience an increase, with Jupiter at the helm often indicating long-awaited financial gains.

A very interesting month is coming up. Don’t force anything though, let people and events come to you, you will benefit from it in terms of efficiency and results. The end of the month is romantic!

Sagittarius – (Nov 21– Dec 20)

Until the 20th under the influence of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, a few family or household issues may arise (especially for the last decan). Stay calm and see it as something temporary. Then, the focus shifts to Aries with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, and you will regain your legendary drive.

The emotional sector in a broad sense is highly favored; indeed, children, love, or creative projects should bring you some lovely satisfactions. Jupiter in opposition to your sign enhances your intimate or associative relationships. Wise advice could be given to you by caring individuals, and commitments could be made, but Jupiter also intensifies any disagreements, so be conciliatory if necessary. Pluto bolsters your morale; for the 1st decan, you may uncover secrets and use them to grow.

Love in General
This sector appears active and protected. The planets in Aries create a climate that suits you: dynamic, joyful, and passionate. Your feelings are expressed fervently, your words could touch loved ones deeply. Mars also boosts your libido, your knight-in-shining-armor side should shine through!

In a relationship
Even though you still have a few domestic troubles to handle, your intimate relationship looks bright. You both give each other a lot of attention, and your partner feels the warmth of your feelings. Take this opportunity to forget about everyday life in each other’s arms.

Throughout the month, you exude a powerful sex appeal that should attract some conquests you desire. From the 2nd to the 27th, your emotional expression is warm and lively, go out, an active person, confident and well-rounded, could cross your path.

Career / Finance
The contract sector is abundant, Jupiter can favor a salary increase, a long-awaited promotion that finally comes, a more advantageous contract change! Be ready for proposals that come out of the blue, they are sometimes deserved and justified. A letter could also put a smile on your face.

Don’t be alarmed by domestic worries if they arise; instead, open your hands and enjoy the beautiful emotional things that are on the horizon for you!

Capricorn – (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

This month brings some tensions that you must manage as best as you can! Until the 20th, the energies in Pisces make it easier for you to relate to others, boost your mood, and inspire a healthy spiritual approach, but things get more complicated after the 20th. Your home or living space might become a source of trouble, communication could be challenging with your loved ones as well as emotional displays, your reserved nature could hinder exchanges.

Mars opposing you slightly increases the pressure on your most important relationships, listen to others before taking action or making a choice and set aside unwarranted sensitivity. The professional sphere is protected, Jupiter has your back by introducing well-meaning individuals into your path or by facilitating a desired career change. Uranus encourages the last decan to embrace an entirely new future!

Love in General
This area of life is not a priority right now. In fact, you will be very busy with something else and your love life will seem to be the least of your concerns! However, Mars is activating your relationship sphere, there will be excitement in the air, a lot of dynamism, and maybe some disagreements.

In a relationship
Your love life may seem a bit dull this month, as your mind will be elsewhere and your heart asleep. Your partner may choose to accept this situation or perhaps demand something else! Don’t neglect your significant other too much, make an effort.

Your eagerness to tie the knot will be strong, but you might go about it the wrong way and encounter some emotional setbacks. Don’t put too much intensity into your seduction, be attentive and listen carefully or a few clashes are to be expected. Stay Zen!

Career / Finance
Jupiter could earn you professional recognition, a fair acknowledgement of your talents that your boss sees more clearly. The financial sphere remains steady, even Pluto could bring about a change advantageous to your finances (1st decan), have you recently made any investments? Mars is boosting your ambition, your progress is dependent on your interactions with others.

Hold onto your composure or trusted friends if things get a little shaky this month! Make use of your inner wisdom and let go if the pressure at home becomes too intense.

Aquarius – (Jan 20 – Feb 17)

This month should meet your need for socializing! Your financial matters will occupy your mind until the 20th, as you are eager to earn more and save a bit, you will be able to do so. Then, the energies focus on Aries, and you will expand both your geographic area and your social or relational circle.

Many pleasant moments are in store, especially those that involve your neighborhood or a real or symbolic sibling. Mars boosts your professional ambition, Jupiter bestows its blessings in your emotional sector. Pluto in your sign is preparing the 1st decan for an inevitable transformation, accompany this process to experience it better. Uranus is still causing trouble for the last decan, what if you chose to leave what must be left? Still a lovely month!

Love in General
Your high spirits set the tone from the start! You will have the desire and enthusiasm to do well in your love life. Jupiter is helping you to make a budding love come true or to promote the blossoming of a lasting and legal commitment. Your desires will be healthy, unpretentious, sensual, and delightfully sensitive.

In a relationship
The bond with your partner should come easily and be shared joyfully. Make sure to communicate well, Mercury could lead to misunderstandings. Your feelings will be intense, like in the early days, a second honeymoon in sight?

Charismatic (1st decan), slightly excessive, you will charm with enthusiasm and an intellectual ease that will sweep your potential conquests off their feet! Use your charm with finesse and keep an eye out at work or while walking your pet!

Career / Finance
The backdrop remains favorable for a progression in your work and an increase in your assets. Persistent until the 20th and lucky afterwards, you may even hope for a windfall in a game of chance if you play! A colleague or neighbor might make you an interesting proposition.

A lovely month is on the horizon, don’t get ahead of yourself, stay grounded and enjoy these positive energies benefiting all areas of your life. Chin up!

Pisces – (Feb 18 – March 18)

Until the 20th, the sun in your sign, along with Saturn and Neptune (leaving your sign on the 30th), are helping you materialize something that has taken time, and in a positive aspect to Mars in Cancer, it could relate to love life, creativity, or parenting. Then, the planets in Aries are boosting your financial sector – you could receive gifts, a raise, or make a very important encounter for future events.

Some tension at home or with family is not excluded, and a residence could also cause some troubles. Mars ensures you have dynamism with sensitivity; you will act with passion and self-assurance. Under the influence of Pluto in Aquarius, some of you (1st decan) will have to deal with someone from the past – something is brewing, but what?

Love in General
In love or on the verge of being so, this month seems conducive to a strong emotional power capable of taking you far. More structured than before, you express your love with dynamism, you won’t be afraid to be more proactive, more conquering! A touch of possessiveness is possible but your way of loving is so passionate!

In a relationship
Soothe tensions at home if you don’t want them to spoil your closeness as a couple! Push away daily worries and plan moments just for the both of you; your sensuality, combined with deep feelings, should delight your partner.

Mars is favoring your emotional, active, conquering, confident enthusiasm, you will dare to take initiatives if you really like someone! Your chances are real to make a true meeting, bet on a festive place or at common friends’ place.

Career / Finance
Work will not be your main concern this month but you will be serious and your boss can count on your sense of responsibility. Your work should go smoothly and without any issues at the moment, so enjoy it! Your financial situation seems stable, could there be some family money coming in?

It’s a very sentimental month ahead for you. A few minor nuisances will need handling, but your ability to let go will work wonders! Instead, savor the many beats of your heart.