Thank you Indialantic parking meters for not taking my nickels

I love how the Universe talks to me through even inanimate objects, like the parking meters at the boardwalk.  Friday night, I couldn’t get the meter to register taking my coins.  I thought it was because it was after 9:00pm. Today I found a spot right in front of Starbucks and, out of quarters, began feeding nickels and dimes.  The meter did not register the coins.  Hmmm.  I drove to another spot, another meter.  Same thing.  I had no quarters, so I just left the boardwalk and drove south.  I saw someone pulling out and pulled into their spot.  Score! 45 minutes left on the meter!  I walked down to the shore and watched the tide coming in.

I’m always surprised at how few people are on the beach at sunrise and sunset,” a voice behind me said.  I smiled, as I’d said the same thing to someone two days ago. I turned around and there stood a friend I knew from Miami and hadn’t seen in 30+ years.  We recognized each other at the same time and laughed.  We talked awhile and wondered, why now the synchronicity?  We both visit the same beach access several times a week for the past many years, but at different times of the day.  Today it was at the same time.  We find that our lives have followed similar paths, similar twists and turns.  We have similar beliefs now, we did not 30 years ago.  It’s like we took different paths to get to the same place, and experienced parallel lessons along the way. Had the parking meters taken my coins, I would not have travelled the extra 200 feet south and found the meter with 45 minutes left on it.  Had I not found it, I would not have been on the beach at that moment to connect with a dear brother from the past. Life keeps dropping gifts in my life in the form of friends from the past returning in new ways and everything in that smooth, easy flow that I so love. I’m stoked I’m the one who gets to live this life.  I’m enjoying the unfolding immensely.