Squirrels on the roof; admiring ambition

A beautiful 67 degrees in Melbourne, FL USA.  I’ve got 6 squirrels scampering across the oaks and on the roof.  Occupational hazard when you work in the woods! Here’s one of the little guys now.  They can be a real distraction if I am trying to work and they are doing their acrobatics under the oak canopy.

Sometimes my Yin Yang will sit underneath the garden table, looking up as though she was waiting for one to fall.  However I know that by the time she waddled her fat feline butt over to it, it would be long gone.  But I admire her ambition and I honor her vision of herself as a strong hunter warrior type.

We can do this for our friends, too.  We can help them hold the vision of their better selves, their stronger self, their independent, successful self.  We can treat them as though they are already this better self.  Then it will be no surprise when they begin to react as their better self.  Neat how that works, huh?

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