Sometimes it takes a silly movie to give deep insights into someone’s character, to learn why they do what they do

Last night I watched Ghosts of Girlfriends Past with Matthew McConaughey and Jennifer Warren, very funny!  “Matthew is playboy Connor Mead, who, after delivering a drunken speech at his brother’s rehearsal wedding dinner, is met in the bathroom by the ghost of his uncle Wayne (Michael Douglas), a Hefner-esque horndog who taught Connor everything he knows about picking up chicks. Uncle Wayne informs Connor that, over the course of the evening, he’ll be visited by three ghosts who will lead him through his romantic past, present, and future.In one scene, his brother speaks to Connor’s exes, who are all bridesmaids, and who are all hatin’ on Connor for dumping them. He says Connor never had a chance to be a child, he had to raise himself and his brother from an early age due to no parental guidance. He failed to develop emotional maturity, through no fault of his own – it was all survive, survive.  I love how the Universe sends profound messages thru things like silly movies, giving enormous insight into understanding the other side of a real life situation. Wow. Wow. My heart is open in a new way to an old friend.  Wow.

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