Big brother speaks: 11 days til end of the Mayan calendar

Brothermine Jerry

My brother  wrote me today: “11 days left until the end of the Mayan calendar.  I think I’ll ride over to the Georgia Guide Stones on the 21st to video any who may decide to bark at the moon.   I have a 2 step process to deal with any catastrophe that may befall me that day. (1) Place head between legs.  (2) Kiss ass goodbye.   It’s just all so funny to me when people spend so much time being overly concerned about maintaining their physical existence, then totally neglect the spiritual part of who they are.    I think there are going to be two distinct groups of surprised people on Dec. 22.  The first group is going to be amazed that the world still stands, while the second group will be disappointed that there was no mystical grand universal spiritual awakening.