Letting the molecules settle down after a whirlwind week

It’s been a whirlwind week and I may take today off just to relax alone in the silence.  I love being around friends and activity – for awhile. Then I’m ready to get back to my sanctuary and let the energy field smoothe itself out.  Nature is where I revive myself, where I find myself and come alive, whether working in my veggie garden, walking the enchanted trails through my oak and pine woods, or sitting out at the firepit at sundown.  I can be fanatical when something brings me pleasure, I want to share it. I smile to think of how I tried the past year to drag a pal out into the magic of nature but that wasn’t their healing mode, it was mine. What works for me doesn’t work for everyone. I can only be inside “the box” (a building full of electicity) for just so long.  Then I have to be outside long enough to let my nervous system synapses go back to a harmonious firing routine.

I began the week with a breath workshop with Al Rapaport and I knew it would keep working on me for days.  It did.  I’m sure it was a factor in me having bouts of ecstacy later in the week, during times that others often consider it distractive to have them: at the market, when driving.  I’ve been in the kundalini management field long enough to honor it as I would any substance that alters consciousness and perception. Because you’re drunk on Love for the Universe and that can make you do and say things others might consider silly. Especially strangers. That’s why you have a daily meditation practice: to practice surfing the thoughts and feelings that arise in you. Plus that way you don’t scare the straights when you’re out in public.

My left thumb had been bothering me, so I  had my friend Lloyd Reiser give me a Reiki session and it was mega improved. I caught myself snapping my fingers to music in the car yesterday – I couldn’t do that the last few months.  I took Reiki 1 from Lloyd in the 90’s.  He’s got the mojo for sure.  I see on my Facebook page this week I’ve done more sharing others’ posts than writing, and that’s because I was resting my left hand. I see that as I scroll my page to remind myself what I did this week, it went by so fast with so many people in it.

My perfect tenants of 18 months gave me notice and within 2 days I’d rented it again, and won’t miss a month’s rent.  I will be lifelong friends with them, that was a fun connection!  They also left me a patio furniture set, a Tony Little Firmflex machine and some neat kitchenware.  Score! They’d also made thousands of dollars in improvements on the home.  I get the best tenants on the planet, always.  They also left a queen size bed that I’m able to gift to a friend who has several foster kids.

The dryer at the rental stopped working last week, so I identified (thank you Google and Youtube!) and ordered the part and it looks like I can replace it easily myself.  We’ll see.  A friend with a truck helped me move the furniture, and we made it between the raindrops of Tropical Storm Andrea.  I brought a tarp just in case (Jeremy thanks for folding that HUGE tarp, it made it so much easier to manuever!) but we didn’t need it. We got home with no rain.

I met the new tenants at the home and we walked through it now that it was empty. The previous tenants left it spotless, I had to do nothing. We exchanged keys and dollars and got their entry stickers from the office, since it’s a gated community.  I was reminded of the pools they have. I’m not a fan of chlorine but have been known to jump in during the season.

I had a photo session with photographer Debi Buck  and it was a fun two hours.  She’s fun and has interesting stories as she’s travelled a lot. I got to hear about her recent Hawaii adventure and we got some good shots. She took 6200 photos in Hawaii!  I was stoked to meet her, we will be friends for life, a soul sister for sure.

Spiritual brother Jeffrey Smith showed me how to make a separate category in my blog for the Tarot Card Readings of The Day. That way, if I want to read the blog and skip the tarot, I just click on HOME and I get everything but the tarot posts.  He is a web wizard and always has the solution, or knows where to find it.

A former boss passed away, Hardee S. Henderon, III, the last attorney I ever worked for in my 22 year career as a criminal defense paralegal.  I could always find him easily in the courthouse, I’d just follow the scent of the patchouli oil he’d wear. Rest in peace, Hardee.

I’d been following the cardinal family in the elaganus bush outside the back porch, but they seem to have left, leaving two unviable eggs in the nest.  I heard them at the window yesterday after the hatchling had gone missing, but do not know where they have moved residence to.  I read that the hatchling can leave in 7 days  and he was 7 days old, so all is well.

Either way, all is well, though, right?  No matter what is – it is what it is. And if we’re smart, we learn to love it all.  I’m learning.