If he never gets divorced, can you be happy in the Now?

Oh? Still no moves toward divorce? If he promised it on day one and now blows up when you mention it, consider that a red flag.  I did a reading last August for someone who’s seeing a different side of her new partner.  When they met, he was separated and getting divorced.  Then she discovered there was no divorce ever initiated.  Now she questions everything. She feels they are soul mates but now she is afraid. I told her that her guidance system guides her by how she feels in the moment and resistance always has meaning. It doesn’t necessarily mean don’t move forward, but it does mean reconsider. What is the worst that can happen? That she be happy enough living in the Now with him that it doesn’t matter if he ever gets divorced? Or should she take the lie as a red flag and walk away? She is the only one who knows which thought feels best to her. She is the only one who knows what her greater intent is, and which course of action will lead her closer to her goal. She didn’t need a psychic reading to tell her what her heart already knew.