I spent Sunday mostly working in the garden

Yesterday I watered the back yard and the back property line of hibiscus saplings and loquat trees, and cut some palm fronds and grapevine.  I worked some on the east garden sitting area, it is now hidden from the street.  I am weaving weave a wall with the living grapevine around some cut bamboo and pine saplings, also weaving into it some palm fronds and honeysuckle vine.  I don’t want something that will topple on me when the wind blows as it does here sometimes.  Thus the weaving.    I could have done without the wheel barrow falling over on me, I’ll have a nice bruise and cut on the right shin for that one. I’d stacked it atop a wood fence panel to help flatten the panel out and it wasn’t balanced and toppled. Yay for work boots and heavy denim!