I seldom take a hint so you hafta tell me outright

Me:  “Come run errands with me.” We do post office, Waterman…
He:   “Hey, the Dao Japanese Sushi Buffet there is good.”
Me:  “I have friends who go there. Let’s go to the market next.”
He:   “Okay, Publix? Sushi?” (We buy it there together.)
Me:  “No, has to be WalMart right now.”
Leaving WalMart, he: “Sushi?”
Me:  “It’s only 7:30pm, I won’t eat til 10pm.”
We drive home.  I wake up thinking, omigosh I’ll bet he’d have liked us to stop at Publix to pick up sushi on the way home, but I was so focused on my list of places we were going, he didn’t want to disturb my flow. (No, he just changed his mind.)  NEXT TIME, ask or tell me outright and I’ll be game.  My bad. I can be oblivious when I’m in work mode. Never hint.  I may not be conscious enough in the moment to grok it.  Help me practice staying conscious!