The joys of living in the sub tropics. It’s not just humidity and misquitoes, it’s seasonal oak pollen and barometric pressure changes that leave our sinuses in a quandry. Shall I drain or clog? I used to have hay fever when I was a teen, then grew out of it and then grew back into it when I bought my home in 1983 and began gardening daily. Years later, I discovered that I only have sinus problems – increased mucous – when I eat processed food. Processed food is anything with a label, anything not in it’s natural state. Even a few slices of bread or a can of chicken noodle soup will do it to me. So I usually eat those things until I’m tired of the sinus dance, then I’m off it again for a few months for relief. So, if you have sinus trouble and eat a typical American diet of processed foods and drinks, know that it’s likely related. I choose my battles 🙂