How is this month’s Grand Cross affecting you?

Astrologically, a grand cross going on right now with Mercury, Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. A grand cross literally means that four planets are lined up in the shape of a cross. Each planet carries energy and brings certain aspects of our lives to the surface. Planets opposite each other create a juggling act and a need for balance.   Mercury represents communication.  Uranus breaks down structure and the rules change. Jupiter expands and represents good fortune. Pluto represents rebirth and total transformation, which must happen for evolution to occur. A 3 Month Future Prediction Astrology Report will show you what areas you can expect this rebirth to happen in, as well as tips for making it go smoothly. It’s often as easy as letting go of the old way and letting new patterns emerge.

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