How can I hear spirit better? answered by Devan J. Byrne

 First there must be a welcome, it could be in prayer, in spiritually directed questions or a concern that you use to turn your attention to Spirit. Whatever you know spirit as, focus on that in your mind, and simply practice allowing everything else be silenced and simply pass, while you simply remain focused on Spirit. Second, open up the question, and be ready to write or record what comes to you. At first there is a lot of asking and almost begging and declaring your commitment and desire to hear. The third part also need much practice and that is writing and/talking till you also are impressed with the depth of where you are going. I honestly feel that Spirit is teaching us to “channel” her in every area of our lives until you Know You as Spirit. Intern focusing every area of your life to what is truth and dissolving the beliefs of our false reality. OR making a fake reality, up to you.

Here this is good:
1. Ask
2. Focus & Surrender
3. Write/record, with the intent of publishing.
Devan J. Byrne

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