From This Moment On

From this moment on, no matter what has happened in the past between us or to us, individually or together, I seek harmony and well-being.

From this moment on, every word I say and every action I take will be motivated by love and will reflect to my partner that I seek harmony in my life.

From this moment on, I will not speak or act before first asking myself if what I am about to say or do will bring harmony or cause conflict.

From this moment on, if my partner chooses to speak or act in a way that causes conflict, I will react in a way that lets them know I am consciously choosing not to participate in conflict. I will not blame them for lapsing into this behavior because I know that they are merely being forgetful as they act and react unconsciously. I will forgive them because I know that they, too, are a victim of their own unknowing and that they suffer much more than I do by what they are doing.

No matter what the behavior of my partner, I will let them know that I love them and want harmony between us.

From this moment on, I know that all conflicts with others are opportunities from God to heal an area of my life that I am stuck in and not seeing clearly, and a step on the path to clarifying my vision of what I want. If there is conflict, it is because I am failing to take responsibility for how I am perceiving life and how I am reacting to it, and I will not blame another for it.

From this moment on, I know that until I heal the relationship I am in right now, I will never have a harmonious relationship with another person.

From this moment on, I will never – not even in thought or word – use the children as a tool for manipulation of my partner because to do so would create conflict, and I am above that type of behavior. In that we created these children together, God has determined that they should be an instrument for our growth and learning together and I will honor that by always seeking cooperation between us where the children are concerned.

Healing a relationship doesn’t always mean staying together. If I have done my best to bring harmony and my partner continually chooses to perpetuate conflict, I am free to leave the relationship behind, knowing I’ve done all I can do.

From this moment on, I forgive myself for all I have done to myself or anyone else in the past.

From this moment on, I forgive my partner for all they have done to me or to others in the past.

From this moment on, if my partner chooses not to forgive themselves or me for past actions, that is no concern to me and in the interest of harmony, I will accept their decision to remain as they are and think as they do.

From this moment on, I specifically ask forgiveness of my partner for my errors in the past, for every time I ever took advantage and for every word I ever said, consciously or unconsciously, that caused them pain. I ask their forgiveness because I realize now that I AM – in this moment and from now on – the one in charge of whether I’m happy or not.

From this moment on, I know that if my partner – or anyone – treats me with disrespect, criticism and lack of love, that itself does not cause conflict. What causes conflict is how I react to being treated that way. If my 4 year old autistic brother treated me with disrespect and lack of love, I would forgive him because he didn’t know any better, and I would not react with anger or hurt. When another mistreats me, their ignorance is no less than his and I will bless them and take my attention elsewhere.

From this moment on, if I feel I have to even the score with anyone, I know I am reacting in a way designed to cause conflict.

From this moment on, if I feel my partner owes me anything, I realize that my expectation is dysfunctional, as is ALL expectation. While we all hope and prefer that others treat us well, we must be willing to allow others even when they are not allowing us.

From this moment on, I will give everyone the unconditional love, honor and respect I wish for myself, and I will treat everyone with understanding, compassion and kindness under all circumstances.

From this moment on, I will begin to actively appreciate every single thing I have ever been blessed with. I will focus so intently on what I want – which is a happy life – that those around me will either come with me in my quest for harmony or they will cease to be part of my experience as others come into my life to share the vision I hold.