Friends are always watching out for me

The last few days I’ve been working almost nonstop 18 hour days doing final layout for the September issue of Horizons Magazine.  It helps me to stay focused when I don’t dilute my thought energy.  I got several new ads and those are always fun to create.  I took breaks in the middle of the day and worked late into the night.  That’s my favorite time to work: nighttime, when it’s dark outside and the crickets are loud and the phones are quiet and the streets are clear.  About 5:00pm I took a ride to the rental home.  I’d turned the a/c off but kept the fan running and wanted to know how warm it got in there.  It wasn’t bad and it began to cool off quickly.  A/C floor vents are a good idea: heat rises.  I opened the little bathroom and kitchen windows for more air circulation, but kept the other windows closed in case it rained.  This way I won’t run up a big power bill on days I don’t get over there.  I’ve got good neighbors next door and across the street who are home all day long,  watchdogging the ‘hood.  Built in security!  As I look back over my life, I realize I always end up in the midst of people who want to look out for me.  Is that because I need protection or because we all like to have something or someone to protect?