Example of astrological transit predicting future event

Excerpt of letter written 11-30-11, doing a friend’s astrology transit for 2012:  Our transits reflect the journey we are taking.  “Remember,” I said, ” we make or break anything in our lives by our attention and focus to it, astrology notwithstanding.  While you and I have houses 12 (the unconscious) and 1 (the personality) in common in our charts, I see that our astrological “lessons” fall into houses 6 and 7, the same for me and my friend ZR.  I mention him because the lessons you and I will have together should be a higher octave of what he and I went through on our journey. The higher octave remedies the karma of the lower.    ZR is smart as a whip, sarcastic, sardonic, we’ve never discussed spirituality.  He is an attorney and so our entire time together was filled with legal stuff, albeit of a different sort.  ZR’s fatal flaw was he was very selfish and controlling.  He defined his manhood by how much sex he could have with every new woman he met, irrespective of their feelings, leaving much confusion and heartbreak in his path.  Out of sight, out of mind, next.  I just mention that because if we have a solid house 6 (work/service) relationship, then overpouring into the 7th house (relationship/partnership) will cause conflict.

UPDATE: It did

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