Dr. Paul Danielle, founder College Metaphysical Studies

Tuesday January 19, 2009    I received news this early morning that Dr. Paul Danielle, founder of The College of Metaphysical Studies passed to the Spirit world on January 15, 2009.   I went to the Memorial Guestbook Page and read the heartfelt words of beloved friends and family.  I added my own:
My most heartfelt regard to Barbara and the rest of Dr. Paul’s family,and to everyone who is part of the College of Metaphysical Studies.  His love and light will be missed, but carried on through all of you.

A favorite cartoon of mine, entitled Final Freedom, shows 3 frames: in the first frame is a goldfish in a fishbowl; in the seond frame there are flood waters rising above the table and bowl; in the third frame, the fish has happily floated out of the bowl into the great open water.   Free at last.

A Perception Upon Dying by Andrea deMichaelis
A message received for a friend years ago that gave me comfort

As you watched my body lapse and fail,
I watched Creation unfold in all its Glory;

As my body contorted as though in pain,
all I felt was joyful bliss at glimpsing what lie beyond.

My final tears were not in frustration of incapacity,
they sprang forth in welcome relief and freedom.

My lack of response concerned you so
yet I heard every word and felt every kiss.

While my tongue was quiet, my mind’s eye was filled
with sights and sensations of such Loving immersion
that no words could begin to describe it; so I didn’t even try.

Rather, perhaps selfishly, I chose to slip my grateful shell of a body
and merge myself in the brilliant Light and Radiance
of that overwhelmingly loving and comforting Presence
that so benevolently graced my final days.

Rock on, Dr Paul.  See you on the next go ’round.

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