I found this note I’d written to a friend a year ago. It’s always a good reminder: “The fact is the universe delivers to you more of whatever you’re thinking about and it doesn’t care if you’re thinking about something you’re doing or something you’re daydreaming about. If you’re thinking about something you like, you stay in that vibe longer and you attract stuff that becomes visible on that vibrational level. Good friends, happy times, job opportunities, baby mama being nice, finding a dollar in your pocket. Lucky stuff all around. If you think about things going on in the world you DON’T like, you stay in THAT vibe and you attract stuff of that vibrational level: more fighting, more criticism, less $, everyone wanting a piece of you, can’t catch a break and get ahead, feeling trapped.
So always daydream big. Daydreaming is important. It stretches your mind to allow new thoughtforms. Pretending is very powerful – since when you’re pre-tending, you’re intending ahead of time what you’d like to experience. “Pre” from “before” and “tend” from “intention.”
Pretending is powerful stuff. Pretending is telling the Universe/God/Goddess/the Creator/Great Spirit that you dig something so much you are rerunning it in your head over and over just because it feels good to do it. And when you do that, He/She/It/They will deliver to you lots more of what you’re digging. I kid you not.”