Are your mood swings giving you whiplash this week?

A lot of mood swinging happening this week. People asking, “what’s going on in the stars to make this happen?” As an astrologer, I love questions like that.  As someone who knows how law of attraction works, however, the more important question becomes, “what fun next thing am I going to focus upon to keep me in a happy place?”  In my work, I am often dealing with emotional callers.  They rehash a past issue or incident rather than finding another thought to move on to. My life is usually on even keel, it doesn’t happen often but it happened this week. 

I’d done something to upset a friend of a friend. It saddened her to ask me to limit my participation on her Facebook wall, as some of her favorite people misunderstand some comments. She wants her wall to be a fun and fluffy place where people go to feel good, not get cerebral.  She’s entitled to that!  I told her I completely understood.  She should not feel sad about it.  I don’t take things like this personally.  If I wasn’t an upgrade to her wall, I did not belong there.  She and I have other interests in real life, so I didn’t feel kicked out of the club.  My work is not everyone’s work.  My perceptions are not everyone’s perceptions.  She and I share a particular state of consciousness and viewpoint.  I’m ok with her request to separate our lives online. I find when the waves of apology, grief, of fear, of sorrow, of anxiety rise up within me, as they did off and on for several hours afterward thinking I’d caused her pain, I can sit and breathe it down.  It may take a few minutes, also jumping rope or something physically industrious for 10 minutes at a time will help regulate the shakti. I’m glad for the chance to feel the mood swings, since I’m usually on such even keel.  I do not kick myself for disappointing as it was not my intent, but I shall endeavor to be more mindful. It reminds me what many people feel every day.  I’m always glad for a chance to practice what I say I know, and who I say I am. Plus, I recognize when a Divine hoop is being raised.  I’m ready to leap through it.

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