Life gets good again when you stop lying and gossiping

A client had been on a jealousy/gossip campaign against a friend’s ex and didn’t understand it was affecting other areas of her life.  It’s all related, everything.  You can’t hate your boss and co-workers and expect to find your dream job – it’s all related.  If you watch the news and get aggravated by it, that’s impacting your creation process. If anyone is unlikable and you have an emotional reaction toward them, that impacts your creation process in all areas: finances, career, relationship, health.  Her life had begun crashing down around her by the time she called me, eviction, car trouble, kids sick. I told her that was the good news.  Let the past crumble away into nothingness. Stop starting stuff up each time it dies down, stop feeling offended. Stop lying, it hurts people and comes back to you. I suggested the usual: Start over right now. Forgive, apologize, make amends, cut the cord and get on with her life. The day she did, her life began falling miraculously back into place. She began attracting people who could help her, her gossiping cohorts fell away. She began listening more and talking less. Her relationships changed. Life got joyful.  Amazing how that works, huh? Rumi says, “Tend to your vital heart, and all that you worry about will be resolved. “