Voice vs. Paws. Stepping Back To Observe My Life

This entire week has been a trip.  I’ve been resting my paws because I’ve had a little carpal tunnel flare up. For me, being a sole business owner/operator, resting them sometimes means only 4-6 hours a day at the keyboard instead of 18.  I’ve gone for several laser treatments on them, as well.  The flare up won’t last long, but wow, when I’m in it, it ouches like crazy.  The hands are much improved because I know how to care for them.  But I have been pounding the white willow tincture (natural alternative to aspirin) this week for sure.

I love to type and I type about as fast as I can think, so it’s always been a favorite mode of expression and communication.  Friends ask why I don’t get a voice recognition software, like Dragon Naturally Speaking.  The problem with that is that I use my voice so much in my dollar-producing work, that I have to rest it on a regular basis.  The first few years I lost my voice on a regular basis, and now I know how to prevent that.  So voice rest is perfect for me, because that gives me plenty of time for writing.

I enjoy typing to get my thoughts out.  There is a big difference in my state of consciousness when I am in the silence typing, and when I am speaking and hearing the sound of my own voice.  I talk to so many people each day that sometimes, I just get tired of hearing voices – especially my own.  So the idea of dictating aloud does not appeal to me in the least.

So what do I do when I am on voice rest and staying off the keyboard at the same time?  That’s when I get the opportunity just be, without expressing anything.  No need to talk.  No need to type.  No need to write.  No drawing.  No painting.  No handwork of any kind.  Just taking the opportunity to step into The Observer Mode and take a look at my life from that vantage point.

Because I can only look at my life objectively if I’m able to step a little bit away from it. This is one reason I practice separation of consciousness from my body during my daily meditation.  As I am able to observe my thoughts and quiet them, I can step back and begin to see the bigger picture.  I can’t do that if I’m in the midst of living my life with no reflection.

Just like I know that this carpal tunnel flare up will subside soon, although right now it feels like it’s here to stay. I’m glad I’ve learned not to believe that.   Experience tells me it will be good as new in just a few short weeks, and the more I rest them the better.  If I wasn’t having some kind of unconscious resistance on some level, I wouldn’t be experiencing any voice and paw problems anyway, so it’s not like I don’t know that.

And what happens, a particularly bratty friend asked, if I can suddenly no longer use the hands or the voice to bring in my dollars?  Well, I’ll figure something out.  I always have.  I figure I always will.  I’m not worried.

I’ve lived long enough and paid enough attention to know that In The Now is truly where power and opportunity lies.  Plus, oh yes, the Universe wants me to succeed and is always cheering me on, if I will only open my ears to hear.

Once again it boils down to me.  Imagine that.

Dr. David Rindge does laser needle acupuncture on me
Pain control and dumbing down the consciousness
You can eat an elephant one bite at a time
Natural Carpal Tunnel Relief

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