When People Change Intentions and Break Contracts

I managed to wear out my right paw during the 14-18 hour days this past week finishing up the September Horizons, so this will be short. In fact, I cheated and wrote this a couple of months ago and had in fact forgotten it until now.  Recently, a client who had negotiated a particularly long term contract decided they wanted to back out and asked for a refund.  I’d spend considerable time on the phone with her last year making sure it was what she wanted to do, and I gave her a good price for the 2 year run.  Each month she couldn’t seem to get the info to her ad designer on time, so there was always a lot of back at forth at the last minute to get the ad in by deadline.  That was my first red flag.  My second was that although she’s a life coach for others to attract abundance (why is everyone that these days?), she cuts corners and solicits friends for business in social situations.  Instead of really listening to them, she dissects their conversations for words that she believes indicate they need her help.  She gives unsolicited advice to the point it’s hard for some people to be around her.  We all know someone like that, don’t we, or several?

So what about when people change intentions and break contracts and don’t live up to their part of the bargain due to their own fears and anxieties? Do you blame them, kick yourself for attracting it and dissect every thought for what you did wrong? You will drive yourself crazy if you let yourself get hung up there.  I have learned I cannot use what someone else does or doesn’t do as my excuse to introduce resistance into my vibration.  It will only serve to stop my flow.  The thing I do is remember that I attracted that from them, so I clean up my own vibration, let it go and get on with attracting something different next time.

Yep, it’s as simple as that.  And if it’s a business contract and a client, I’ve found that for every one I lose, a dozen more will appear to replace them, and it’s always an upgrade. It hasn’t failed yet.
